About this task
To edit SEQ (Sequencer) blocks in Edit mode:
- Double-click a Sequencer block. The Sequencer dialog box appears.
Edit the fields to configure the sequencer.
Table 1. SEQ (Sequencer) Block Configuration Field
Determines the number of binary outputs for the block.
Min On Time
Specifies the minimum time an output must be on before being deactivated to an off condition. When an output is activated, a timer starts. Until the timer reaches the minimum time, the output cannot be deactivated. However, an Instant Shutdown or a Rotate Now command is applied immediately, and overrides the Min On Time value.
Min Off Time
Specifies the minimum time an output must be off before being reactivated to an on condition. When an output is deactivated, a timer starts. Until the timer reaches the minimum time, the output cannot be activated. However, an Instant Shutdown or a Rotate Now command is applied immediately, and overrides the Min Off Time value.
Interstage On Delay
Defines the minimum time that must elapse between the sequential activation of Sequencer stages.
Interstage Off Delay
Defines the minimum time that must elapse between sequential deactivation of Sequencer stages.
Make/Break Limits
The box next to Make/Break indicates if Proactive is selected and, when you click, launches the Make/Break Dialog box.
In the Make/Break Dialog box:
- Default check box: Disables all make/break limit text boxes and uses the default values. The default values are set so that each device is on for a proportional amount of time. If you do not select Default, you must enter at least one set of values for a stage.
- Proactive check box: Disables the Stage 1 make/break limit boxes (because that stage is always on) and shifts all the make/break limits down one stage.
- Make Limit: Turns on the stage when the input value to the block reaches this limit.
- Break Limit: Turns off the stage when the input value to the block decreases to this value.
Make/Break Limit Rules:
- The current stage make limit must be less than the next stage make limit.
- The current stage break limit must be less than the current stage make limit,
the current stage make limit must be greater than the current stage break limit.
- The current stage break limit must be less than the next stage break limit.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.