Menu Selection:
Integrates the following types of buses or networks into the network engine :
- BACnet IP - Inserts a BACnet IP integration into the network engine .
- Field Bus MSTP - Inserts an MS/TP network integration for the network engine .
- LON Trunk - Inserts a LonWorks network into the network engine . The LON trunk integration is not available for network engines updated to Release 9.0.7, but is available on many network engines at Release 10.0 or later.
N1 Migration - Inserts an N1 Migration
trunk into the NIE55. Note: Be sure to configure the Network Name attribute of the N1 Migration. Once you insert the N1 Migration, you cannot edit the Network Name attribute. The workaround is to delete the existing N1 Migration and insert a new N1 Migration ensuring you enter the desired Network Name before completing the Insert Integration wizard.
- N2 Trunk - Inserts an N2 trunk into the network engine.
- VND Integration - Inserts a vendor integration into the network engine .
- Wireless Supervisor - Inserts a Wireless Sensor System integration into the system. (You can have only one Wireless Integration per network engine.) The Wireless Supervisor integration is not available for network engines updated to Release 9.0.7 or later.
XL5K Integration - Inserts a Honeywell® Excel 5000 (XL-5000) network integration for the NIEx5. (You can have only one XL5K Integration object per NIEx5.) - Inserts a Honeywell Excel 5000 (XL-5000) network integration for the NIEx5. (You can have only one XL5K Integration object per NIEx5.) The XL5K integration is not available for network engines updated to Release 9.0.7 or later.
Tip: Select the Hardware tab (if it appears) on the Configure screen for further configuration.
After adding an integration, you can select the integration in the navigation tree and click
add existing devices and points under the integration.See one of the following sections for more information: