Rapid Archive Troubleshooting - Metasys - LIT-12011964 - MS-SCTRMOT-0 - MS-SCTSWO-0 - MS-SCTSWO-6 - Bulb controller - Metasys System Configuration Tool - 13.2

Metasys SCT: System Configuration Tool Help

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System Configuration Tool
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User Guide
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Table 1. Troubleshooting the Rapid Archive Creation Feature
Error or Error Message Tips
When importing each device-level using the Rapid Archive wizard, the Space and Served By columns of the last added device show a blank result. This issue occurs if the Rapid Archive wizard is closed and re-opened after each import. The information still exists in the archive even though it is not displayed. If you wish to view these details during the entire import process, please ensure that the Rapid Archive wizard remains open.
Unable to repopulate due to communications or server error: FX field controllers are not supported. Controller templates do not support FX files as resources for Release 11.0.
Unable to repopulate due to communications or server error: N2 field controllers are not supported. Controller templates do not support N2 files as resources for Release 11.0.
Failed to save # out of # changes.

Unable to save the object order for following:

Equipment Definition (Operational problem)

Would you like to retry?

The controller template has no link to an equipment definition. All points and item references are created, but the equipment is not populated in the equipment tree.
Note: To prevent future instances of this error appearing, edit your controller template's Definition Link in the Configuration tab.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Click No in the Rapid Archive Field Controller wizard dialog box that appeared.
  2. Click Cancel in the Rapid Archive Field Controller wizard focus window.
  3. Create the Equipment in the Equipment tree.
Failed to save # out of # changes.

Unable to save the object order for following:

Object name already exists

Would you like to retry?

You have already created this controller.

This issue may occur if a controller is created with the same Mac Address or Instance number as an existing controller that was not loaded in Rapid Archive. It is recommended that all existing controllers on NAE's in the Rapid Archive Schedule are loaded into Rapid Archive to facilitate easier identification of duplicates.

Failed to discover equipment:

Error: Reference Not Resolved (403)

Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

The controller template's Definition Link is referencing an unbound equipment definition. To resolve the issue, update the Definition Link in the Configuration tab.
Red Cell Errors in the Rapid Archive Creation Field Controller wizard Item Reference column information failed to import properly from the Room Schedule .csv file. For more information about Room Schedule name enhancements and file importing for the Rapid Archive Creation Field Controller wizard, see the Rapid Archive Schedule Population in the Rapid Archive Wizard section.

Room Schedule import completed. File contained one or more entries which were not imported due to missing data.

The file contains valid data, but entries are missing information needed to make them usable. Consult the error log for the specific data that caused the entries to be skipped.

File contains invalid data. Import has been canceled.

The file contains invalid data that caused the process to fail. Consult the error log for the specific data that caused the failure.