The Multistate Alarm Extension contains attributes common to Metasys system objects. For details, see the Common Object Attributes.
The following table lists the attributes specific to the Multistate Alarm extension. Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Attribute Name |
Notes |
Initial Value |
Values/Options/Range |
Description |
Alarm Ack Pending |
False |
Ack not pending, Ack pending |
Indicates that an event concerning a transition into the Alarm state is waiting to be acknowledged. |
Alarm Ack Required |
C,W |
False |
Ack not required, Ack required |
Indicates that a transition into the Alarm state created a message that requires acknowledgment. |
Alarm Date |
Indicates the last date this extension transitioned into the Alarm state. Each time this transition occurs, a message is created and this date is updated. |
Alarm Message Text |
C,N,W |
Indicates the text you assigned to give further information in the event of an alarm. Only status changes to an alarm state cause the alarm message text reference to be added. |
Alarm Priority |
C,W |
70 |
Indicates the priority assigned to the Alarm state. |
Alarm Time |
Indicates the last time this extension transitioned into the Alarm state. Each time this transition occurs, a message is created and this time is updated. |
Alarm Values |
C,W |
Associates an alarm state with a specific priority and text. Multiple states can be defined for each alarm, but each state must be unique and no state can be set to the current alarm extension normal state. The text and priority are customizable. Alarm Priority and Alarm Message Text are used as defaults when custom text and priority values are not defined. |
Capture Changes |
False |
If True, this attribute forces an event notification to be generated for each change of the object input state. If the input goes from one alarm state to another alarm state or back to normal, an event notification is generated. |
Command Reference |
C,W |
See Command Reference. |
If specified, the value of this referenced attribute is treated as the normal state by the alarm extension. The normal state then follows a feedback value. For example, define the Present Value of a Binary Input Object (fan status) as the Input Reference and define the Present Value of a Binary Output Object (command state) as the Command Reference. For more information on how this attribute works with regard to AO/BO point feedback, see AO/BO Feedback. |
Date |
Indicates the date of the last reported condition. |
Event Enable |
C,W |
True |
Indicates that this value must be True for the extension to report a warning message. |
Graphic |
C,N,W |
Null |
Object Type = Graphic |
Indicates the graphic associated with the extension. Do not set the Graphic attribute for an alarm extension to an aliased graphic. Aliased graphics do not display properly when displayed from the Alarms Window or Event Viewer. |
Graphic Alias |
C,W |
Maximum 256 characters |
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of the folder containing this extension or the controller containing this extension. |
Input |
Derived from Input Reference, the object to which the Multistate Alarm extension has been attached. |
Indicates the multistate value processed for alarms by the extension as defined by the Input Reference. The value of the Input is compared to the Normal State. |
Input Reference |
C |
Specifies the object and attribute monitored by this alarm extension. The last value received from Input Reference is written to the Input attribute. The reliability of the Input Reference is monitored and sets the Reliability attribute to this extension. It is also reported in an alarm message. |
Normal Ack Pending |
False |
Ack not pending, Ack pending |
Indicates whether an event concerning a transition into the Alarm state is waiting to be acknowledged. |
Normal Ack Required |
C,W |
False |
Ack not required, Ack required |
Indicates whether a transition into the Normal state creates a message that requires acknowledgement. |
Normal Date |
Indicates the last date this extension transitioned into the Normal state. Each time this transition occurs, a message is created and this date is updated. |
Normal Priority |
C,W |
200 |
Indicates the priority assigned to the Normal state. |
Normal Time |
Indicates the last time this extension transitioned into the Normal state. Each time this transition occurs a message is created and this time is updated. |
Normal State |
C,W |
State 0 |
Derived from Input Reference, the object to which the Multistate Alarm extension has been attached. |
Indicates the attribute value to which the Input is compared. If the Input value is different from the Normal State, an alarm state occurs. |
Present Value |
D,R |
Normal |
Normal, Alarm, Hold |
Represents the current value of the extension. |
Reference Delay Time |
C,W |
0 |
0–65,535 seconds |
When a Binary Output Object (BO) (supply fan command) is commanded On, the Normal State for the associated Binary Input Object (BI) (supply fan status) alarm extension is also On. After the Reference Delay Time, the current state of the BI is compared to the Normal State. If the BI is still Off, an alarm is detected. The Reference Delay Time is also used when the BO is commanded Off. Specifies the feedback delay in seconds. The purpose of the Reference Delay Time is to allow time for equipment to start or stop before the status is compared to the command. |
Reference Delay Timer Active |
False |
The Reference Delay Timer Active is True while the alarm extension waits for the equipment to start or stop. |
Reliability |
Input Unreliable |
See Reliability. Uses Reliability (Set 503). |
Indicates the reliability of the Multistate Alarm extension. Reliability changes due to communication errors between the Multistate Alarm extension and the Input Reference or Command Reference. When the Multiple Alarm extension is unreliable due to communication problems, any further execution of the main logic of the Multistate Alarm extension is canceled and no report is issued. The reliability also indicates when the Input or Command Reference becomes unreliable. When reliability changes due to the Input being unreliable, an event is issued if reporting is enabled. The only exception is Comm Loss reliability, which results in the same behavior as the communication problems described above. |
Report Delay |
C,W |
0 |
0–65,535 seconds |
Indicates the delay between detecting an alarm and actually reporting the alarm. The purpose of this delay is to make sure that the alarm is stable. If a status feedback device is fluctuating, an alarm is detected numerous times. The alarm must be True at the end of the duration of the Report Delay before the alarm is reported. |
Report Delay Active |
C,W |
False |
The Reference Delay Timer Active is True while the alarm extension waits for the equipment to start or stop. |
Status |
The Common Object Attributes section details this attribute. A list of relevant states follows (listed in hierarchical order from highest to lowest): Disabled: Enabled attribute value is False. Unreliable: Reliability attribute is not reliable. Normal: Expected operating condition. |
Time |
Indicates the time of the last reported condition. |