Valid and invalid references - Metasys - LIT-12013522 - Software Application - Basic Services client library for .NET (and COM) - Metasys API - 4.2

Metasys REST Client for .NET and COM Developer Guide

Product name
Basic Services client library for .NET (and COM)
Metasys API
Document type
API Reference Guide
Document number
Revision date

The following tables provide examples of valid and invalid string references and a description explaining the format.

The Application Data Server (ADS) and the Network Automated Engine (NAE) are used is the following examples.

Table 1. References
Reference Description
ads35:ads35 Refers to a device with the computer name ads35 that is a child of the Site Director with the same name.
ads35:ads35/$site Refers to a site object that is on the Site Director with the computer name ads35.
ads35:ads35/Programming Refers to an object named programming on a device with the computer name ads35 that is a child of the Site Director with a computer name ads35.
ads35:nae3 Refers to a device with the computer name nae3 that is a child of the Site Director with the computer name ads35.
ads35:nae35/Programming.AV1 Refers to an object named AV1 under an object named programming on a device with the computer name nae35 that is the child of the Site Director with a computer name ads35.
Table 2. Invalid references
Reference Description
ads35:nae23/$site Refers to a site object on a child device. A child device cannot have a site object.
ads35/Programming The portion before the forward slash must comply with this format:
ads35 The reference must comply with this format: