When you want to connect from a VBA application that uses COM Interop on your Metasys server, use the LegacyMetasysClient
object. To add references to the Metasys Services Object Library, complete the following steps:
- In Excel, enable the Developer tab. Click File > Options > Customize Ribbon > Customize the ribbon > Developer.
- To open the editor, click the Developer tab, and click Visual Basic.
- Add the appropriate object library reference. For more information, see Microsoft https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/how-to/check-or-add-an-object-library-reference.If you want to deliver method results to a specific Excel cell, use the VBA editor to access the current spreadsheet and write the client library results. For an example of the results, see the following screenshot.Figure 1. Results delivered to Microsoft Excel