Starting PVT - Metasys - LIT-12012406 - Software application - Performance Verification Tool - 4.3

Metasys Performance Verification Tool (PVT) User Guide

Accessories > Tools > Performance Verification Tool
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User Guide
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  1. Double-click the Metasys Performance Verification Tool desktop icon.
  2. If the PVT application prompts you to add sites as trusted sites or to enable JavaScript, do so based on your browser.
  3. Sign in with your global ID and password.
    Note: You do not need to sign in for every sync; the credentials are required to access the application.
  4. When you start PVT for the first time, click I agree on the Terms of Service popup.

  5. Enter site configuration and scheduled scan data, see Entering site configuration and scheduled scan data.

    After you enter the data or when you start PVT later, the PVT interface opens.

  6. If you want to activate the automatic scheduled scans, click Sign off to log off PVT or click the X icon to close PVT.
    Note: The automated PVT scans run only when the PVT application is closed. If PVT is open at the scheduled time of a scan, the scheduled scan does not start. Do not open PVT until the scan is complete. See step 8.

    If you want to perform manual tasks, see PVT user interface for more information.

    Note: PVT closes automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity.
    Note: The PVT cloud identifies all scans from a single site and groups them based on a site correlation ID.
  7. After you close PVT, ensure that PVT sync Service is running in Task Manager so the Autoscan runs when it is scheduled to.
  8. To ensure that the scan is complete, review pvt-WindowsService-Info.log file in C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\Metasys Performance Verification Tool\logs and look for the message: 2023-xx-xx xx:xx:xx INFO|PvtSyncWinSvc|PVTAutoSyncJob event completed.|. This shows the Autoscan completed successfully and is synced to the cloud.