The Event Viewer displays the event messages from the event repository of the currently selected device in your system and allows you to acknowledge and discard the event messages. See Launching the Event Viewer.
You can only view the event messages from one event repository of one device at a time. The window displays 1,000 messages per page.
If you are viewing the contents of a local Engine event repository, the event messages shown come from that Engine only.
If you are viewing the contents of a local Engine event repository of an Engine device designated as the Site Director, the event messages shown come from that Engine local event repository only.
If you are viewing the contents of an ODS event repository, the event messages shown come from that ODS event repository only. An ODS event repository may contain event messages that have been routed from other Engine or ODS devices but does not display the contents of multiple repositories.
When viewing an ODS, the system applies a standard filter to the Event Viewer when it is first opened. This filter allows you to see all events that you have permission to view.
You can use custom filters when viewing the ODS to narrow the list of events to only those that meet specific criteria. Custom filters query the entire ODS database, not just the list of events that appears on the screen. You can filter events by any combination of Date/Time, Priority Range, Alarm Type, Authorization Category, Requires Acknowledgment, User, Acknowledged, and/or Discarded. New events appear in the list only if they meet all criteria specified in the filter. You cannot save custom filters.
You can print the event messages displayed in the Event Viewer at any printer connected to the computer running the web-based Metasys user interface. For information on how to do this, see Printing the Event Messages Displayed in the Event Viewer.
For information on the Alarms Window, see Alarms Window.
The following table describes the format of the event message (and corresponding buttons and fields) as displayed in the Event Viewer.
Item/Column |
Description |
Selected Device (Engines Only) |
Indicates the device for which the Event Viewer is displayed. The device name appears on the left side of the Event Viewer above the table only for Engine devices. This field corresponds to the selection made in the Device Selection Dialog box. See Launching the Event Viewer. |
Event Count (Engines Only) |
Indicates the number of event messages that currently appear in the Event Viewer. The Event Count appears on the right side of the Event Viewer above the table only for Engine devices. |
Standard Filter Radio Button ( ODS Only) |
Indicates that standard filtering is applied to the Event Viewer for the selected ODS. This filter information appears on the right side of the Event Viewer above the table. The count of entries that apply to this filter appears in parentheses next to the radio button. |
Custom Filter Radio Button ( ODS Only) |
Indicates that custom filtering is applied to the Event Viewer for the selected ODS. This filter information appears on the right side of the Event Viewer above the table. The count of entries that apply to this filter appears in parentheses next to the radio button. |
Custom Filter Table ( ODS Only) |
Allows you to apply custom filtering to the Event Viewer when the Custom Filter radio button is selected. This table appears but is not active when the Standard Filter radio button is selected. You may need to adjust the slider bar to show the Custom Filter table. The buttons for this table are:
Status Icons |
Displays an icon indicating the status of the event message:
- event message is new (that
is, the message has occurred in the system within the new entry timeframe)
Note: See Display Settings Tab in the Preferences section for information on
changing the amount of time event messages are considered new using the New
entry timeframe preference (default value = 15 minutes).
- event message does not require acknowledgment. A red X through this icon indicates that the message has been discarded. - event message requires acknowledgment. A red X through this icon indicates that the message has been discarded. - event message has one annotation - event message has more than one annotation - event message has an associated graphic - event message has an electronic signature |
Type |
Displays the status of the item associated with the event message:
Priority |
Indicates the priority of the event. See Event Priority. A lower priority number indicates event messages of higher importance. |
When |
Displays the date and time that the event message was generated. The date and time format is defined by the Language selected in the User Profile (User Profile tab of the Security Administrator System). |
Item |
Displays the Name of the item that generated the event message. An item name is the label displayed for the selected item in the All Items navigation tree (for example, AV1, NAE2, or Schedule1). Be sure you define relatively unique item names if you plan to use printed lists of the event messages of the Event Viewer. |
Value |
Displays the Present Value and engineering units, if applicable, of the associated item at the time the event message was generated. |
Description |
Displays the text defined by the Description attribute for the item that generated the event message. Be sure you define relatively unique descriptions if you plan to use printed lists of the event messages of the Event Viewer. |
Alarm Message Text |
Displays the text defined by the Alarm Message Text attribute of the alarm extension for the state of the item associated with the event message, if applicable. |
Specifies the column of data used to sort the event messages currently displayed in the Event Viewer (ascending or descending order). |
Paging Controls ( ODS Only) |
Allows you to navigate through the pages of event messages in the Event Viewer. Use the buttons to go to the first page, previous page, next page, or last page. Type a page number in the text box and press the enter key to jump directly to a specific page.
Ack Button |
Acknowledges the selected event messages. See Acknowledging Event Messages. |
Discard Button |
Removes the selected event messages from the Event Viewer. See Discarding Event Messages.
Note: In an Engine that
is not the Site Director, acknowledged or discarded alarm and event messages do
not appear acknowledged or discarded in the
Copy Button |
Copies the selected events to the Clipboard for pasting into other applications such as Microsoft Excel or Word. If nothing is selected in the Event Viewer when you click this button, all entries copy to the Clipboard. You can also use Ctrl+A to select all and Ctrl+C to copy to Clipboard. |