Alarm Extensions - Metasys - LIT-12011942 - Software Application - Metasys Open Data Server - 10.1

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Using object alarm extension is a very easy method for configuring the detection of alarm conditions. To configure the values that determine alarm condition detection, use the Alarm Extension Wizard that appears after creating an object using the Object. You also can add alarm extensions after you create an object by selecting it in the navigation tree and selecting Show Extensions from the Action Menu. You cannot add, edit, or delete alarm extensions in online mode with Basic Access.

Use alarm extensions to define the values for the high/low warning and high/low alarm conditions for Analog Input Object, Analog Output Object, and Analog Value Object. For a complete list of Analog Alarm extension attributes, see Analog Alarm Attributes.

Also, use alarm extensions to define the values for the alarm and trouble conditions for Binary Input Object, Binary Output Object, Binary Value Object, Multistate Input Object, Multistate Output Object, and Multistate Value Object. For a complete list of Multistate Alarm extension attributes, see Multistate Alarm Attributes.

In addition, you can use alarm extensions to define the following conditions:

  • alarm state parameters such as Event Enable, Delay Time, and Report Delay

  • alarm setup parameters such as Acknowledgment Required, Alarm Message Text, and associated Graphics

Devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming attribute set to True do not produce an alarm but indicate they are offline in the navigation tree with a red X. See the appropriate object in the Object Help for details on this attribute. This attribute does not affect alarm extensions.

The Enable Alarms and Disable Alarms commands affect any and all alarm extensions defined for an object.

For more details on configuring alarm extensions, see Creating Extensions, Alarm Extensions, and the Help section for the selected object.

After using alarm extensions to configure the detection of alarm conditions, you must configure the routing, filtering, and format of event messages from Engine or ODS to the desired destinations. For more information on filtering or routing events messages, click one of the following section names:

For information on AO/BO feedback, see AO/BO Feedback.