Passthru Requirements - Metasys - LIT-12011942 - Software Application - Metasys Open Data Server - 10.1

Metasys Open Data Server Help

Building Automation Systems > Databases and Data Servers > Metasys Open Data Server
Document type
User Guide
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Revision date

For installation requirements, refer to the ODS Installation Instructions (LIT-12011945) .

Note: Computers with Windows 8 and Windows 7 require the use of Passthru. To use CCT, HVAC PRO™ software, or the GX-9100 tool software in Passthru mode from SCT, you must disable user account control in Control Panel. If you do not disable user account control, Passthru mode does not work in. To disable user account control, go to Control Panel > System and Security > Action Center. Locate User Action Control under the Security section and click Choose Your UAC level. On the left side of the screen, drag the slide bar to Never Notify. Click OK and restart the computer.