Global Search Viewer Screen - Metasys - LIT-12011942 - Software Application - Metasys Open Data Server - 10.1

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You can access the Global Search Viewer from the Query Menu by selecting Global Search. The Global Search Viewer opens in the Panel Layout of the Metasys or System Configuration Tool.

You can have multiple Global Search Viewers open, but can only initiate one search at a time within the same UI. If you try to start another search in the same UI, then an error message appears stating that you must either stop the search in progress or wait until it completes before initiating another search.

SCT does not support dynamic updating for search values with the Global Search feature. If the search results reach the maximum number of items, then a message appears stating the current search is too broad, and you should change the search criteria to narrow the search and try again.

Figure 1. Global Search Viewer Screen

Table 1. Global Search Viewer Screen Components

Screen Area/Item


Instructions Area

Provides tips to help you perform a search.

Search Locations List Box

Lists the parts of the Metasys system navigation view you selected to search.

When you initially invoke the Global Search feature, any items currently selected in the navigation view appear in the Search Locations list box. If no items are selected in the navigation view, then the box appears blank. You can drag and drop items from the navigation trees into the Search Locations List Box to make or change selections most efficiently. You can also use the Add and Remove buttons to make or change selections.

Add Button

Opens the Select Item dialog box and allows you to select the parts of the system that you want to search. Though the preferred method to make or change selections is the drag and drop functionality, you can select items from available views (All Items tab or User View tabs) depending on your user authorization.

You can search the entire site, one or more devices, one or more trunks on a device, one or more User Views, and so on. Hold down the Ctrl or Shift keys when clicking to select multiple items. After completing the dialog box, the items you selected appear in the Select Scope box.

Remove Button

Removes selected items from the Search Locations list box.

Object Name Box

Allows you to type the full or partial name of the object you want to find. You can leave it blank for a more expansive search. You also can use one or more wildcards (* or ?) to aid in your search.

Wildcard Examples:
  • LCP-2*
  • ZN-T*
  • OCC-S*
  • N?E* (searches for all items named NAE*, NIE*, and so on)

The object name search is not case-sensitive.

The search looks at the Name attribute. For searches against user navigation views, the search also considers the user-defined label assigned to the item within that particular navigation view and includes the item, if the Name attribute or label matches the search criteria for object name.

Object Type Drop-Down List

Allows you to select a specific type of object to search for or allows a search for all object types. Options include:
  • All (excluding extensions)
  • Trend Extensions
  • Totalization Extensions
  • Alarm Extensions
  • Schedules
  • Calendars
  • Field Devices
  • Field Points

Include child objects Check Box

Includes all child objects of any items found when searching the Search Locations. That is, it includes the nested child objects.

Include search location objects Check Box

Includes the location items in the search results if they meet the search criteria, as well as any items found when searching in those locations.

For example, if you initiate a search on an N2 Trunk named N2 Trunk 1 to search for all objects named *2*, and you check Include search location objects, then the results include the N2 Trunk in the results. If you do not check the option, then the search results only include items under the N2 Trunk (along with their child objects, if the Include child objects option was checked) and does not include the N2 Trunk itself.

Search Button

Begins the search.

Stop Search Button

Cancels a search in progress; no more new objects appear in the Search Results table.

Search Results Table

Displays the results of the search (object list).
  • If you select an item in the Search Results and place your cursor over the item within each column, then tooltips appear and provides more information, if available.
  • Any data that does not fit within the columns is identified by an ellipsis (. . .). You can resize the column or place your cursor over the table cell to see its tooltip text.
  • If the search finds an object in more than one location (for example, in the All Items navigation view and in a user navigation view), then the object is listed twice in the Search Results Table. If the same location is searched a second time or if search locations overlap, then the object is not repeated in the table. Items are only repeated in the table if their location differs.
See the Working with Search Results section for more information on manipulating and using the table data.

Icon Column

Displays the icon of the object as it appears in the navigation tree.

Name/Label Column

Displays the name of the object as defined by its Name attribute. The object’s full reference identifier appears in a tooltip when the cursor is placed over the name.

Location Column

Displays the object’s context, specifically its location within a particular navigation view.

Type Column

Displays the object’s type (for example, NAE55).

Select All

Selects all rows in the Search Results table.

Clear List

Removes all of the objects from the Search Results table.

Remove From List

Removes selected objects from the Search Results table.

Add New

Allows you to manually add one or more objects to existing search results (where the added objects append to the bottom of the existing Search Results table).

Copy to Clipboard

Copies the selected search results in a tab-delimited format to the Clipboard for pasting into other applications, such as Microsoft Excel® or Word®.

Status Bar

Displays the current location of the search in progress, the status of the search, and the number of objects found.