Trend Study Definition View - Metasys - LIT-12011942 - Software Application - Metasys Open Data Server - 10.1

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Use the Definition View to edit the Trend Study configuration. You can choose which trends are viewed, choose the Study Range, and edit the display properties. You can view more than one trend item at a time on the same graph. The following table details the fields in the Definition View.

Table 1. Definition View




Allows you to edit the refresh rate and display precision.

  • Refresh rate: specifies the amount of time, in seconds, for automatic refresh of data. You must configure this attribute with a value of 0 seconds, 60 seconds, or greater than 60 seconds. Values 1 to 59 are invalid and not allowed. 0 means manual refresh. If the refresh rate is 0, click the Update button to display new data.
  • Display precision: specifies the decimal point rounding and the number of decimal places used to format real values that do not report a display precision. If the value reports a display precision, this Trend Viewer attribute is ignored in favor of the value’s native display precision.

Range Start and Range End

Specifies the Start Time and End Time for the Trend Study.

  • Radio Buttons: allows you to choose relative time or absolute time for the Study Range (start and end times). The fields enable depending on which one you select.
  • Date: displays the date for the Study Range.
  • Absolute Time: allows you to select a specific date and time for the Study Range. This selection creates a fixed range of time when the Study is viewed.
  • Relative Time: allows you to select either Today or Now. If you select Today, enter the Relative Time. If you choose Now, specify an Offset. This selection creates a moving range that is relative to the time the Study is viewed.
  • Offset: represents a combination of a whole number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds before or after (- or +) the current date and time.

Chart Display

Allows you to add gridlines, stack the Y-axis, and choose the chart style for the Trend Study.