Optimal Start Equation - Metasys - LIT-12011942 - Software Application - Metasys Open Data Server - 10.1

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The following equation calculates the optimal start time:

[(Heating or Cooling Constant/100) x Temperature Difference2] + Heating or Cooling Deadtime = Optimal Start Time

Table 1. Optimal Start Equation



Heating or Cooling Constant

This variable is the value of the Heating or Cooling Constant attribute of the OST object and represents the rate of warmup or cooldown in the zone after equipment startup. If Adaptation Enabled is Yes, the Optimal Start object learns each day and sets a new value. This variable can be edited by the user.

Temperature Difference

This variable is the difference between the Zone Temperature and the value of the Heating Setpoint or Cooling Setpoint attribute before the warmup or cooldown period.

Units = delta deg F or delta deg K

Heating or Cooling Deadtime

This variable is the value of the Heating or Cooling Deadtime attribute of the OST object and is the amount of time required to raise or lower the Zone Temperature 1.0 degree.

Units = minutes. If Adaptation Enabled is Yes, the Optimal Start object learns each day and sets a new value. This variable can be edited by the user.