Attributes associated with the hardware source for object data are shown under the Hardware tab of the display panel. These attributes are not exposed to a BACnet network.
Attribute Name |
Notes |
Initial Value |
Values/Options/Range |
Description |
Disable Automatic Alarming |
C,W |
False |
False True |
Specifies whether automatic online/offline device event reporting is disabled (True) or enabled (False). This attribute only applies to the device and not to the device’s mapped objects. Devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming attribute set to True suppress the alarm event but still indicate they are offline in the navigation tree with a red X. Alarm extensions are not affected by this attribute. |
Instance Number |
C |
None |
0–65,535 |
Contains the number of mapped BACnet objects that are being polled on a periodic basis or are part of the BACnet Object Identifier (along with the Object Type). The BACnet Object Identifier is used to establish communication with the object. |
Remote Device Addr |
None |
BACnet device address |
Contains the BACnet address of the remote BACnet device where the integrated BACnet object resides. |
Remote Object Name |
None |
Contains the BACnet Object Name of the integrated BACnet object as defined in the remote BACnet device. |