Interlock - Metasys - LIT-12011942 - Software Application - Metasys Open Data Server - 10.1

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Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Interlock

The Interlock object provides a means to establish conditional control over one or more other objects. It consists of an IF conditional statement, True command statements, and False command statements. Through these statements, the user specifies a set of conditional checks (using one or more points) for which a series of commands is used to control a collection of one or more other objects.

Three essential parameters of the IF conditional statement, shown in the following list, determine the Interlock object’s mode of operation:

  • list of attribute references

  • constants

  • operators

This object allows a user to place a VAV controller in the occupied mode whenever the main fan is on and in the occupied mode.

Note: On the Configure screen, click the Interlock Definition and Action Tables tabs for further configuration.
Tips for the Interlock Definition tab of the Configure screen:
  • Click the Add button to add items to the list from the Select Item dialog box.
  • Click the check box next to an item in the list and click Delete to remove the item from the list.
  • Select the type of logic to use for the items in the list from the Logic menu. See the Interlock’s Logic attribute description for the types of logic.

Tips for the Action Tables tab of the Configure screen:
  • Check the All Commands Priority check box if you wish to use the same priority for all commands in the action tables. Clear the All Commands Priority check box to enable individual priority selection for the commands in the action tables.

  • For the Actions for Condition: True and Actions for Condition: False tables, click the Add button to add items to the table from the Select Item dialog box.

  • For the Actions for Condition: True and Actions for Condition: False sections, click the check box next to an item in the table and click Delete if you want to remove the item from the table.

For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.

For information on the logic used in the interlock object, see the Logic attribute description.