About this task
You can consolidate multiple small user views into one larger user view.
To consolidate user views:
- Create a new user view, or edit an existing user view. This is the user view to which you add other views to consolidate them.
- With the user view in Edit mode, select the location (root or existing folder) where you would like to add the contents of another user view.
- Click Add Tree. The Add Tree(s) dialog box appears.
- In the Add Tree(s) dialog box, select the tab for the user view you would like to add.
- Select the root node of the user view you would like to add.
Click OK.
Note: You also can press the Ctrl key and drag and drop a tree (only from the navigation frame) to a User View in Edit mode to add an entire tree to the User View.
A new folder, which contains the contents of the user view you selected, appears in the user view you are editing. If you would like to rename the folder or move the children to another location within the user view, see Table 2.
- Repeat Step 1 through Step 6 if you would like to consolidate other user views into the user view you are editing.
- When you are finished consolidating user views, click Save.
- Refresh the tabs in the navigation frame and delete any user views you no longer need.
- Have a Metasys Administrator adjust the navigation permissions for the consolidated user view (if necessary).