Migration Overview - Metasys - LIT-12011942 - Software Application - Metasys Open Data Server - 10.1

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When you add a new Metasys system N1 Migration object, the N1 migration component establishes communication with the N1 network. The N1 Migration object is only an object on the new Metasys system controller to which it was added.

After the N1 Migration object establishes communication with the existing Metasys system, the N1 Migration object creates 2 new calendars that are a portal to the existing NCM calendar. One calendar is a list of alternates, and one calendar is a list of holidays.

Note: An Ethernet connection is the only method for the NIE to connect to the N1 network. ARCnet jobs must use an Ethernet router.

See the N1 Migration Attributes section for more information on N1 migration attributes.