The table below lists the commands supported by the Life Safety Point Object.
Command Name |
Number of Parameters |
Description |
In Service |
None |
Cancels the affect of an Out of Service command and returns the Out of Service attribute to False. Present Value and Reliability revert back to the values obtained from the physical input. Note: For BACnet objects, support of this command
is dependent on the ability to write the Out Of
Service attribute.
Out of Service |
The value to be written to the Present Value. |
Allows a user to override the object’s hardware input for simulation or other purposes. The Out of Service command changes the Out of Service attribute to True, writes the Present Value to the value of the command parameter, and writes the Reliability attribute to Reliable. Present Value and Reliability no longer track the physical input. When an Out Of Service command is issued, the NxE does not communicate subsequent changes (operator or system) to the field device. Note: For BACnet objects, support of this command
is dependent on the ability to write the Out Of
Service attribute.