Event Enrollment Attributes - Metasys - LIT-12011942 - Software Application - Metasys Open Data Server - 10.1

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This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options tab appear on point objects).

Note: In the Notes and BACnet Notes columns, attributes marked with the letter C are configurable, and attributes marked with the letter W are writable.
Table 1. Event Enrollment Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab

Attribute Name


BACnet Notes


Acked Transitions


Conveys three separate flags that each indicate if the most recent To Offnormal, To Fault, and To Normal event transitions have been acknowledged (if the transition requires acknowledgement).

Alarm Message Text



Contains the user-defined text included with the event notification. Starting at Release 10.0, this attribute is replaced by Event Message Texts Config. The value of this attribute is kept in sync with the first element of the Event Message Texts Config attribute. Any modification to either one changes the other. Also, for upgraded systems that use Alarm Message Text, any text in this field is moved to the first element of the Event Message Texts Config field.

Event Detection Enable

    Indicates if event detection and reporting is enabled for the Event Enrollment object. This is a read-only attribute that is always set to True.

Event Enable



Conveys three flags that determine if notifications are enabled for To Offnormal, To Fault, and To Normal transitions. When a flag is set, this means that the corresponding transition causes notification to be sent to all enrolled devices. When a flag is cleared, this means that the corresponding transition is not reported. The object’s Event State continuously updates, regardless of the value of the Event Enable attribute.

Event Message Texts


An array of three character strings that holds the message texts that identify the last state of the Event Enrollment object. The states in sequential order are: TO_OFF_NORMAL, TO_FAULT, and TO_NORMAL. If a particular event is yet to occur, the respective entry in the array is blank (null).

Event Message Texts Config


An array of three character strings that defines the message texts used to identify the last state of the Event Enrollment object. The states in sequential order are: TO_OFF_NORMAL, TO_FAULT, and TO_NORMAL, which you may customize by entering text in each field. The first element of this attribute is kept in sync with the Alarm Message Text attribute so that any modification to either one changes the other. Starting at Release 10.0, use this attribute instead of Alarm Message Text.

Event State


Indicates the current state of the event. The permitted values for Event State are specific to the Event Type. The value of Event State is independent of the Event Enable flags.

Event Time Stamps


Conveys the times of the last event notifications for To Offnormal, To Fault, and To Normal events.

Execution Priority



Indicates the relative importance of performing the function of the object within the device.




Indicates the graphic associated with the object.

Graphic Alias



Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of the folder containing this object or the controller containing this point.

Notification Object Reference



Specifies the notification class used when handling and generating event notifications for the object. This attribute implicitly refers to the Notification Class Object that has a Notification Class attribute of the same value.

Note: The Notification Class attribute is used if the Recipient attribute is not used. As best practice, use the Notification Class attribute.

Notify Type



Conveys if the notifications generated by the object are Events or Alarms.




Specifies the current reliability of the event enrollment object. Possible values: No Fault Detected (reliable), Communication Failure, and Configuration Error.

Table 2. Event Enrollment Object Attributes - Event Tab

Attribute Name


BACnet Notes


Event Parameters



Determines the method used to monitor the referenced object. This attribute provides the parameter values used for the algorithm.

Table 3. Event Types
Event Type Description
Change of Bitstring

Generates an off-normal transition when the value of the referenced property is equal to one of the user-defined Bitstring Values (List Elements after applying the Bitmask) and the values are equal for the amount of seconds defined by the Time Delay attribute you’re using. The Bitmask defines the bits important for monitoring.

Change of Character String

Generates an off-normal transition when the value of the referenced property includes one of the values in the List of Values (List Elements) and the values are equal for the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay parameter.

Change of State

Generates an off-normal transition when the value of the referenced property (Input Reference) is equal to one of the values in the List of Values (List Elements) and the values are equal for the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay attribute of the object you’re using.

Change of Value

Generates a normal transition when the value of the referenced property (Input Reference) changes by an amount equal to or greater than the referenced property increment (Change of Value [COV] Increment) for the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay attribute of the object you’re using.

Command Failure

Generates an off-normal transition if the values of the referenced property (Input Reference) and the Feedback Reference are not equal for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay attribute of the object you’re using.

Double Out of Range

Generates a transition to high limit alarm if the value of the referenced property is higher than the High Limit for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay parameter. This event type accepts a double data type.

Generates a transition to low limit alarm if the value of the referenced property is lower than the Low Limit for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay parameter. This event type accepts a double data type.

Floating Limit

Generates a transition to high limit alarm if the value of the referenced property is higher than the range of values determined by the current values of the Setpoint Reference, High Limit and Deadband for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay parameter.

Generates a transition to low limit alarm if the value of the referenced property is lower than the range of values determined by the current values of the Setpoint Reference, Low Limit, and Deadband for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay parameter.

Out of Range

Generates a transition to high limit alarm if the value of the referenced property is higher than the range of values determined by the current values of the High Limit and Deadband for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay parameter.

Generates a transition to low limit alarm if the value of the referenced property is lower than the range of values determined by the current values of the Low Limit and Deadband for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay parameter.

Signed Out of Range

Generates a transition to high limit alarm if the value of the referenced property is higher than the range of values determined by the current values of the High Limit and Deadband for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay parameter.

Generates a transition to low limit alarm if the value of the referenced property is lower than the range of values determined by the current values of the Low Limit and Deadband for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay parameter.

Unsigned Range

Generates a transition to high limit alarm if the value of the reference property is higher than the range of values determined by the High Limit for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay parameter.

Generates a transition to low limit alarm if the value of the reference property is lower than the range of values determined by the Low Limit for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay parameter.