Channel Commands - Metasys - LIT-12011942 - Software Application - Metasys Open Data Server - 10.1

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The table below lists the commands supported by the Channel Object.

Table 1. Channel Commands

Command Name



Adjust as Bit String


Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Specify either bit string value: 0 or 1.

Adjust as Boolean


Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Specify either boolean value: True or False.

Adjust as Character String


Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Specify a character string value with a maximum of 64 characters.

Adjust as Date

Date or No Date

Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Specify a future date or select No Date for an unspecified date. The other date parameters presented on the dialog box are not available.

Adjust as Double


Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Specify a double data type in the range of -1.79769E308 to 1.79769E308.

Adjust as Enumeration


Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Select from the drop-down list of possible enumeration states in the range of State 0 to State 31. For values over State 31, use the Adjust as Unsigned Integer command instead.

Adjust as Object ID

Type, Value

Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Select the type of BACnet object from the drop-down list. Specify a BACnet Object ID in the range of 0 to 4194303.

Adjust as Octet String


Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Specify an octet string data value with or without dashes including leading and trailing zeroes, such as 00-11-22-33-44-55-66-00.

Adjust as Real


Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Specify a real number value in the range of -3.40282E38 to 3.40282E38.

Adjust as Signed Integer


Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Specify a signed integer data value in the range of -2.14748E9 to 2.14748E9.

Adjust as Time

Hour, Minute, Second or No Time

Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Use the time control to specify an hour, minute, and second value in the format HH:MM:SS, or select the No Time check box for an unspecified time.

Adjust as Unsigned Integer


Writes the current value of the Present Value attribute to the third-party BACnet Channel object. Specify an unsigned integer data value in the range of 0 to 4.29497E9.

Disable Alarms


Disables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event Enrollment objects. This command restores the previous Event Enable values.

Enable Alarms


Enables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event Enrollment objects. This command sets the Event Enable values to False, False, False.

