Accumulator Commands - Metasys - LIT-12011942 - Software Application - Metasys Open Data Server - 10.1

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The table below lists the commands supported by the Accumulator Object.

Table 1. Accumulator Object Commands
Command Name Parameters


Disable Alarms


Enable Alarms


Get Monitor Data


The Accumulator object and the object specified by the Logging Object Reference must reference one another for the Get Monitor Data command to work.
  • On the Action Tables tab of the object specified by the Logging Object Reference, the Accumulator object must be set to receive the Get Monitor Data command.
  • In the JCI Logging Object Reference field of the Accumulator object, the object issuing the Get Monitor Data command must be selected. When the JCI Logging Object Reference is specified, the Logging Object Reference takes on the object type and instance of the specified object.

The object specified by the Logging Object Reference can be a Multiple Command object or an Interlock object. Both are capable of issuing the Get Monitor Data command.

In Service


Out of Service

The value to be written to the Present Value attribute.

Preset Counter

The value to be written to the N2 device accumulator or pulse counter hardware point.

Present Value

The value to be written to the Value Set attribute.

Allows you to reset the Present Value. This command writes a supplied value to the Value Set attribute. The Present Value attribute then gains its value from the value written to the Value Set attribute. The Value Before Change takes on the previous value of the Present Value attribute (that is, the original value before the write processed), and the Value Change Time is set to the current date and time. This preserves the Present Value before the command took place. Use this command to change Present Value if the Accumulator object is in or out of service.