Modify Dialog Box - Metasys - LIT-12011942 - Software Application - Metasys Open Data Server - 10.1

Metasys Open Data Server Help

Building Automation Systems > Databases and Data Servers > Metasys Open Data Server
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User Guide
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The Modify dialog box allows you to modify attributes of a single item in the Metasys system. You can access the Modify dialog box for the selected item by selecting the Modify menu option from the Action Menu or the right-click menu. The attributes shown in the modify box are different for different object types.

Figure 1. Modify Dialog Box

Table 1. Modify Dialog Box Components

Screen Area/Item


Instructions Area

Provides tips to help you send a modification.

Attributes Table

Displays the list of attributes available to modify for the selected item. Unauthorized modifications are disabled. Attribute value fields appear after the attribute name.

The check box next to an attribute is automatically selected when you make a modification in its value field. Modifications are sent for only the selected (checked) attributes.


Sends the selected modifications to the object/item.


Closes the Modify dialog box without sending the changes.