Specifying the Set Service Login Properties - Metasys - LIT-12011527 - Software Application - Metasys Export Utility - 10.0

Metasys Export Utility Installation Instructions

Building Automation Systems > Configuration and Programming Tools > Metasys Export Utility
Document type
Installation Guide
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About this task

You can activate the Set Service Login feature by adjusting the parameters of the Windows OS service called MSEASchedulerService.

To specify the Set Service Login properties:


  1. In Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools.
  2. Double-click Services. The Services screen appears.
  3. In the Name column, right-click MSEASchedulerService and then click Stop.
    Note: To see the user under which the service is currently running, look in the right-most column (Log On As). Local System, Local Service, and Network System are standard Windows OS accounts.
  4. Double-click MSEASchedulerService. The MSEASchedulerService Properties dialog box appears (Figure 18).
  5. On the Log On tab, click to select This Account.
  6. Enter your Windows operating system user name.
    Note: If the Network directory is located on a different domain, enter the domain name followed by your Windows operating system user name (for example, Workgroup\Admin).
  7. Enter and confirm your Windows operating system password.
  8. Click OK and close the Services screen.
    Figure 1. MSEASchedulerService Properties Dialog Box

  9. Right-click MSEASchedulerService and then click Start in the pop-up menu.