About this task
- To add a new topic, select the TOPIC Definition tab, click the Add icon.
To configure the topic definition, complete one of the following options:
- To configure a publish type topic, complete the following steps:
- In the Topic ID field, enter a Topic ID. See Publish type topic properties.
- From the Topic Type list, select Publish.
- In the Path field, enter the root part of your final path. See Path definition.
- From the Payload Type list, select the predefined payload type you want.
- To append the placeholder $(identifier) to the topic path, select the Single Pnt Payload check box.
- To define the Quality of service (QoS), from the QoS list box select the QoS that you want.
- To have the broker retain the message, select the Retain check box.
- To define the interval between publishing, in the Publish Interval field, enter a value in seconds.
- To configure a subscribe type topic, complete the following steps:
- In the Topic ID field, enter a Topic ID. See Subscribe type topic properties.
- From the Topic Type list, select Subscribe.
- In the Path field, enter the root part of your final path. See Path definition.
- From the Payload Type list, select Custom.
- To append the placeholder $(identifier) to the topic path, select the Single Pnt Payload check box.
- To define the QoS, from the QoS list box select the QoS that you want.
- To configure a publish type topic, complete the following steps: