Configuring the MQTT topic definition - Metasys - LIT-12013963 - Software Application - Mass Changes Tool - 3.0.0.x

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Use the topic definition tab to define publish or subscribe type topics. The topics define the topic data-tree and the associations of points in the Metasys engine that you previously selected. To configure a topic definition, complete the following steps:


  1. To add a new topic, select the TOPIC Definition tab, click the Add icon.
  2. To configure the topic definition, complete one of the following options:
    • To configure a publish type topic, complete the following steps:
      1. In the Topic ID field, enter a Topic ID. See Publish type topic properties.
      2. From the Topic Type list, select Publish.
      3. In the Path field, enter the root part of your final path. See Path definition.
      4. From the Payload Type list, select the predefined payload type you want.
      5. To append the placeholder $(identifier) to the topic path, select the Single Pnt Payload check box.
      6. To define the Quality of service (QoS), from the QoS list box select the QoS that you want.
      7. To have the broker retain the message, select the Retain check box.
      8. To define the interval between publishing, in the Publish Interval field, enter a value in seconds.
    • To configure a subscribe type topic, complete the following steps:
      1. In the Topic ID field, enter a Topic ID. See Subscribe type topic properties.
      2. From the Topic Type list, select Subscribe.
      3. In the Path field, enter the root part of your final path. See Path definition.
      4. From the Payload Type list, select Custom.
      5. To append the placeholder $(identifier) to the topic path, select the Single Pnt Payload check box.
      6. To define the QoS, from the QoS list box select the QoS that you want.