CSV columns - Metasys - LIT-12013963 - Software Application - Mass Changes Tool - 3.0.0.x

Mass Changes Tool (MCT) Help

Building Automation Systems > Configuration and Programming Tools > Mass Changes Tool
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The columns of the CSV file are as follows:

Table 1. CSV columns
CSV columns Description
#FQR Provides the fully qualified reference for the point that has extensions attached.
Action Specifies the action to be preformed on an extension. The action column values are as follows:
  • A: Adds an extension.
  • M: Modifies an extension.
  • D: Deletes an extension.
Extension Class Accepts a value to specify what type of extension class to modify.
Attribute Specifies the attribute to add to the extension. This column is only used when the action is add A. The default value is 85.
ID: The operation of the ID column is determined by the value in the action column, outlined in the following table:
Table 2. ID column
Action value ID value Result
Add The ID of the extension. The ID value is the ID of the extension created.
Modify The cell is empty. Modifications are applied to all the extensions of the specified class.
#F Modifications are applied to the first extension of the specified class.
The ID of the extension. Modifications are applied to the extension equal to the ID of the specified class.
Delete The cell is empty. Deletes all the extensions of the specified class.
#F Deletes the first extension of the specified class.
The ID of the extension. Deletes the extension equal to the ID of the specified class.

Buffer size (126): The dimension of the buffer inside NAE for samples. The valid values are 1 to 5000.

Sample Interval (2566): The interval in seconds of the samples. The valid values are 0 to 604800.

Repository Enabled (2549): The repository enabled column is used when samples need to be brought forward to the ADS. The valid values are T (true) or F (false).

Transfer Setpoint (2550): The transfer setpoint is used to send samples to ADS. Valid values: 1 to 5000.
Note: To manipulate other parameters, for example, client COV increment (127), add a column with the attribute number as the header. The attribute list changes according to the extension class specified. Alarm extensions have different attributes compared to trend extensions.