The MS- BACEOL-0 RS485 EOL Terminator is a non-smoke control listed component that provides EOL termination on FC bus segments when the device connected at the end of a bus segment does not have integral EOL termination capability.
The EOL terminator is a compact, lightweight, module wrapped in a protective cover, as shown in the following figure, which can be quickly installed in a variety of ways. The EOL connects directly to the terminating device on a bus segment with the attached wire leads. The EOL requires 24 VAC, Class 2 power supplied by the field device or other 24 VAC source.
The EOL terminator is designed for FC buses and provides better bus performance than the integral EOL termination on third-party devices. An EOL is recommended wherever a third-party device terminates an FC bus segment. If the EOL terminator is connected to a third-party device that has integral EOL termination, the integral EOL termination on the third-party device must be disabled.