Document introduction - Metasys - LIT-12011034 - General System Information - Metasys System - Release 11.0

MS/TP Communications Bus Technical Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System
Document type
Technical Bulletin
Document number
Release 11.0
Revision date

BACnet is a data communications protocol that supports communication and control of applications and their associated equipment. BACnet protocol Multidrop Serial Bus/Token Passing (MS/TP) is a peer-to-peer, multiple manager protocol based on token passing. A token is information packets in the form of a pulse signal that is passed between devices on a network bus.

This document describes the specifications, device limits, and rules of the MS/TP communications bus, as well as how to wire and terminate devices, and troubleshoot device communication on the MS/TP bus. The remote MS/TP field bus is also described. With the addition of a BACnet IP to BACnet MS/TP Router, the Remote Field Bus allows connection to remote equipment controllers over IP.

This document is intended for the user who needs to know the rules, requirements, limits, specifications, and configuration of the MS/TP bus to design, wire, or troubleshoot an MS/TP application.