FIT Issues Menu - Metasys - LIT-12012443 - Software Application - MS-FIT100-0 Field Inspection Tool

MS-FIT100-0 Field Inspection Tool User Guide

Accessories > Field Inspection Tool > MS-FIT100-0 Field Inspection Tool
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User Guide
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The Issues menu reports on any bus errors or other issues that are occurring on the FC/SA bus the FIT is monitoring. The FIT is constantly monitoring the FC/SA bus for errors. Only the last five communication errors are reported in the issue menu and the FIT continues to update the number of issues during an MS/TP validation session. If the FIT is turned OFF, issue count and history are not maintained. For a list of common issues and corrective actions, see Figure 6. No MSTP displays when the FIT is connected to a Bus with a very poor Health Index.

Figure 1. FIT Issues Menu

Note: To display the rest of the issues, depress the Down Arrow to scroll through the issues. On any issue being displayed, depressing the Enter Key provides more information specific to that issue. See Table 2 for a list of possible common issues. See the FIT Display Table for more information of terminology used and acronyms in the display examples.
Figure 2. Issue History

Table 1. List of Common Issues and Corrective Action
Display Description Potential Corrective Action

system time

Bad MS/TP frame. Invalid MS/TP header CRC or data CRC. Bad frames are typically caused by wiring issues, duplicate addresses, wrong baud rates and/or noise.
  1. Check Idle Bus Voltage.

  2. Confirm the correct FIT baud rate is being used.

  3. If repeaters are present, check their baud rate.

  4. Check for duplicate addresses.

  5. Break the bus segments down into smaller segments to isolate, find and correct the wiring problem.

Online Device came online. This is listed as an issue because a device came online after the last bus loop. Unless the controller was purposely removed from the bus or had its power turned off, determine why it came online late.

This could be caused by a problem with termination of 24 VAC power or bus cables.

Go to the controller in question and make sure all 24 VAC power and bus cables are securely terminated.

Note: If token passing is not occurring and is initiated with the FIT connected to a bus (ScanBus Menu is selected), Online Issues may result until all addresses participate in the token passing loop.
system time
ChrFrame Received character framing error. Character frames can also be caused by wiring issues, duplicate addresses, wrong baud rate or noise.
  1. Check Idle Bus Voltage.

  2. Confirm the correct FIT baud rate is being used.

  3. If repeaters are present, check their baud rate.

  4. Check for duplicate addresses.

  5. Break the bus segments down into smaller segments to isolate, find, and correct the wiring problem.

system time
2ndTkn MS/TP token was re-transmitted. A device handed off the token, but did not see any characters transmitted on the bus, so it re-transmitted the token.
  1. Can be caused by wiring problems such as loose wires. If one controller has to send a token more than once it could be a wiring issue with the controller receiving the token.

  2. It can also be caused by a duplicate address situation where an address was changed and duplicated on a communicating bus.

system time
Offline Device went offline. This device was online, received a PFM (Poll for Master) and did not reply to it. Same potential corrective actions as Online
system time
EOL >2 More than two devices with EOL switch ON. When the FIT is reading multiple bus segments (across repeaters) more than 2 EOL’s could be expected. If reading more than 2 EOL switch positions ON for a single bus segment, review switch positions of each controller on the bus segment to ensure only the actual controllers at the EOL are being used. See Proper EOL Termination for more information.
system time
OutOfSeq A device on the bus talked Out of Sequence or attempted communication without the token.
  1. Check to make sure there are not EOLs set in the middle of a bus segment.

Not typically caused by installation errors. Identify issue to Johnson Controls® personnel, so it can be addressed with the manufacturer.