Menu | Fit Display | Short Meaning | Expert Mode | Description |
Health | Bus Health Bars | Health of a Bus | An overall indication of Bus Health. 8 is desired, but 4 is the minimum. | |
ScanBus | ScanBus | Force a Bus Scan | Main Menu item. Used to initiate, monitor & interrogate controllers on the FC/SA bus. | |
ScanBus | Scan Devs | Quantity of Addresses Found | Displays the quantity of nodes talking on a bus. | |
ScanBus | Adr | Bit Volts Reading at Address | Address reported by the controller. | |
Scanbus | BitVolts | Bit Volts Reading at Address | Communication Voltage reported by the Address. | |
ScanBus | EOL
FC Bus: EOL Switch Position at Address
SA Bus: FC Address and EOL Switch Position |
When connected to a FC Bus this shows the Position of the End-Of-Line Switch reported at address.
When connected to a SA Bus this shows the FC Bus Address and the Position of the End-Of-Line Switch reported at address. |
ScanBus | Model | Model Name at Address | Device object Model Name property for device at address | |
ScanBus | Ver | Firmware Version at Address | X | The version of the Firmware loaded in the controller at this address. |
ScanBus | Name | Device Name at Address | Device object Object_Name property for device at address | |
ScanBus | OID | Device Object ID | X | The BACnet device ID for the scanned controller. This is set by the application file in the controller and are not necessarily unique. |
ScanBus | Vendor | Device Vendor at Address | X | Device object Vendor property for device at address |
ScanBus | Desc | Device Description at Address | X | Device object Description property for device at address |
Issues | Issues | Bus Issues Menu Item | Main Menu item. Select to see quantity, history, and history details of Issues. | |
Issues | Issues | Quantity of Issues recorded | Quantity of potential Issues discovered by the FIT. | |
Issues | Online | Device Came Online | Most current Issue (no leading number). In this case, a controller came on line after initial FIT token loop was complete. | |
Issues | n Issue Type | Historical Issue number and Type | Where n represents a historical issue, Issue Type is either Online, Offline, Badframe, ChrFrame, 2ndTkn or EOL>2 | |
Issues | TKN | Token | Represents the Token (TKN) passing from one address to the next. | |
Issues | Badframe | Bad Data Received | Bad Data Received. Bad MS/TP frame. Invalid MS/TP header CRC or data CRC. | |
Issues | ChrFrame | Character Framing Error | Characters are transmitted in frames. If a frame is too long or short, a framing error occurs. | |
Issues | 2ndTkn | Token Re-transmitted. | A device handed off the token, but no transmission seen. the TKN is re-transmitted. | |
Issues | Offline | Device went offline. | This device was online, received a PFM, and did not reply to it. | |
Issues | EOL>2 | >2 EOL Switches are On | More than two devices with EOL switch ON.
Note: This is all EOL switches on ALL bus segments for connected bus.
Monitor | Monitor | Monitor Traffic on Bus | Main Menu item Monitor Bus. Selecting Monitor puts the FIT in a listen-only mode. | |
Monitor | Monitor Bus | Listen to bus communications | Used to listen to bus traffic and report bus statistics. | |
Monitor | Offline | There is no token passing | The FIT is listening to the Bus, but no token is passing. The bus is in an idle state. | |
Monitor | Dev | Quantity of Addresses Found | Qty of Addresses discovered by the FIT | |
Monitor | Adr | Address of current device | Address reported by the controller | |
Monitor | BitVolts | Bit Volts Reading at Address | Communication Voltage reported by the selected Address. | |
Monitor | TxTkn | Tokens Sent by Address | Displays the number of Token Frames the device transmits. In MS/TP, each master device passes a logical token to the next device during normal operation. Only the master device currently holding the token is allowed to initiate a message, thus the number of Token Frames sent or received should be large. Normally, the number of Token Frames received should be almost the same as the number of Token Frames transmitted. | |
Monitor | DevId | Device ID at Address | X | Device ID when an I-Am is seen in a capture (trigger with Who-Is) or -1 if not seen. |
Monitor | RxTkn | Tokens Received by Address | X | Displays the number of Token Frames the device receives. In MS/TP, each master device passes a logical token to the next device during normal operation. Only the master device currently holding the token is allowed to initiate a message; thus, the number of Token Frames sent or received is large. Normally the number of Token Frames received should be almost the same as the number of Token Frames transmitted. |
Monitor | PFM | Poll For Master by Address | X | Displays the number of PFM frames sent by the device. In normal operation on a clean network, only the bus supervisor (MAC address 0) and the highest numbered master device on the network is sending PFM frames. These frames are used to discover other devices on the network. |
Monitor | RPM | Reply To PFM by Address | X | Counts the number of Reply to PFM frames the device transmits. On a clean network during normal operation, only one Reply to PFM frame needs to be sent when the device first comes online. These frames are used to announce the presence of other devices on the network. |
Monitor | Postpd | Reply Postponed by Address | X | Counts the number of data frames received at the device that requires an immediate reply where this device requests additional time to prepare the reply. This may happen normally if the reply involves a large amount of data. It may also indicate that this device is overloaded. |
Monitor | TstReq | Test Request | X | Displays the number of Test Request Frames the device transmits. Test Request Frames are a normal part of bus analysis, but should not be sent during normal operation. A Test Response Frame should be received in response to each test Request Frame sent to an online device. Test Request Frames may also be sent to offline devices where no response is received. |
Monitor | TstRsp | Test Response | X | Displays the number of Test Response Frames transmitted by this MS/TP port. Test Response Frames are a normal part of bus analysis, but should not be sent during normal operation. A Test Response Frame should be sent in response to each Test Request Frame received. |
Monitor | DER | Data Expecting Reply | X | Displays the number of data frames sent by the device that requires an immediate reply from the destination device. This value includes proprietary frames that have been sent and are expecting a reply. |
Monitor | DNER | Data Not Expecting Reply | X | Displays the number of data frames sent by the device that do not require an immediate reply. This value includes proprietary frames that have been sent and received a reply. |
Monitor | Treply | Time to Reply | X | Max milliseconds (ms) to reply with token after receiving a token. Must be <25 ms. |
Monitor | Tder | Response Time to DER | X | Max ms to respond to a DataExpectingReply. Must be <250 ms. |
Monitor | Tpostp | Response Time Postponed | X | Max ms to respond to DataExpectingReply with ReplyPostponed. Must be <250 ms. |
Monitor | Tusage | Total Wait RPFM | X | Max ms waits for a ReplyToPollForMaster or Token retry. Must be >20ms and <100ms. |
Monitor | Trpfm | Response Time PFM | X | Max ms to respond to PFM with RPFM. Must be <25 ms. |
Monitor | Retry | Retries | X | Displays the number of times the device tried to pass a token as the next node did not start using it within the time allowed by BACnet protocol. |
Monitor | MaxMst | Max Master | X | Highest destination address during PFM. Default is 127. Normally, when all controllers have power and a ScanBus is executed, the address seen listed is the next address in the loop (Address 10 passed to Address 11, so it will show 11). |
Monitor | MaxFrm | Max info Frames | X | Maximum number of frames from this address. |
Monitor | Npoll | Tokens between PFM | X | Number of Tokens between Poll-For-Master. |
Monitor | Self | Sent to Self | X | Number of Tokens sent to self. |
Monitor | Stats | Bus Statistics Menu Item | X | This menu item provides overall bus statistical information. |
Monitor | LoopTime | Loop Time | X | Indicates how much time passes between the periods when the device allows initiation of messages on the network. This time is a strong indicator of network performance and is associated strongly with the amount of traffic or errors on the network. Shorter times indicate a more responsive network. Longer times indicate an increasingly busy and slow network. |
Monitor | PcktErrs | Packet Errors | X | Counts errors detected in the data portion of data frames sent to the device. Many data frames are used only for protocol control and do not contain a data portion, and thus cannot have Data CRC Errors. The Header CRC Errors check must be successful before the device attempts a Data CRC check. This attribute supplies an error count for the Bus Health Index attribute.
Some possible reasons are bus exposure to noise or poor wiring. |
Monitor | CharErrs | Character Errors | X | Counts the number of errors detected in the individual data bytes received by the device. A framing error occurs when the device receives a stop bit in the wrong state. This attribute supplies an error count for the Bus Health Index attribute. Framing errors are usually caused by electrical noise on the bus, message collisions, incorrect baud rate settings, bus wiring or termination errors, or devices that are not operating within the BACnet specified timing. Framing errors generally cause CRC errors since the frame has been corrupted. |
Monitor | Baudrate | Communication Baud Rate | X | The speed at which controllers are communicating. MS/TP is normally 38,400 bits per second (bps). |
Monitor | Chrs/Sec | Characters per Second | X | The number of characters in the frames currently being transmitted per second. |
Monitor | Over Run | Over Run of Data | X | Displays the number of times the MS/TP port hardware loses received data because the device is too slow in reading the data. An overrun error occurs when the hardware receives a byte before it moves the prior byte to a buffer. |
Monitor | Packets | Number of Packets | X | A running total of the number of packets transmitted while the FIT has been connected. |
Monitor | Chars | Number of Characters | X | Indicates the number of data bytes received by the FIT. This number includes all messages from all devices. |
One-on-One | 1-on-1 | Connect to 1 Controller | Main Menu item One-On-One. Used to read attributes on 1 controller disconnected from the bus. | |
One-on-One | Connect | Start 1-on-1 Communication | Used by the FIT to communication with a controller disconnected from a Bus. | |
One-on-One | Model | Model Name | Device object Model_Name property for device connected to FIT (if disconnected from the bus). | |
One-on-One | Firmware | Firmware Version | The version of the Firmware loaded in the controller connected to FIT (if disconnected from the bus). | |
One-on-One | Name | Configuration File Name | The Name of the configuration file loaded in the controller connected to FIT (if disconnected from the bus). | |
One-on-One | Descr | Device Description at Address | Device object Description property for device connected to FIT (if disconnected from the bus). | |
One-on-One | BusAddr | Address of current device | Address reported for device connected to FIT (if disconnected from the bus). | |
One-on-One | EOL | EOL Switch Position at Address | Position of the End-Of-Line Switch reported by connected controller (if disconnected from the bus). | |
One-on-One | Dev OID | Device Object Id | The BACnet device ID for the connected controller. | |
One-on-One | BitVolts | Bit Volts Reading | Communication Voltage reported by device connected to FIT (if disconnected from the bus). | |
Voltage | Voltage | Measure Bus Voltages | Main Menu Item Voltage. Read Voltages Idle Voltage, BitVolts and Meter Voltage Levels. | |
Voltage | IdleBus | Submenu item | This is a submenu item. Press Enter to see the Idle Bus Voltage. | |
Voltage | IdleBus | Idle Bus Voltage Reading | Idle state (no communication) Voltage. Measured when no communication is occurring. | |
Voltage | BitVolts | Submenu item | This is a submenu item. Press Enter to see the Bit Voltage. | |
Voltage | BitVolts | Bit Volts Reading | Communication Voltage reported by random sample. | |
Voltage | Meter | Submenu item | This is a submenu item. Press Enter to see the Meter Voltage. | |
Voltage | System | Change FIT's Settings | Main Menu Item Systems. Used to change FIT's default power on settings. | |
System | BackLit | Turn Display on or off | The FIT display can be used with back lighting on or off. Using back lighting decreases battery life. Setting is Persistent once set. | |
System | Report | Menu Sub Selection | Sub Menu Item Systems. Used to change, create and manage Reports. | |
System | Save | Report Menu - Saves the current memory data to a Report | Read key bus health, statistics, and summary information. Device specific information and logged issues and save them to a csv file on the device. | |
System | Name | Report Menu - User enters name for the current report | User enters an eight character alpha-numeric name for the current data being saved to a CSV. | |
System | View | Report Menu - Scroll and View saved data | User can view any saved reports. Open the report and see all the summary, device and issues recorded in the CSV. | |
System | Delete | Report Menu - Scroll and Delete saved data | Can delete any saved reports on the device. | |
System | Upload | Report Menu – Select Report & send to Computer via USB | Select a saved report and send it a computer via Micro-USB. Computer must be connected (USB) and in the destination program. | |
System | Format | Report Menu – Select method of Upload (csv or tab) | Select the method of Upload CSV (Microsoft® Notepad) or TAB (Microsoft® Excel®). If the user’s desire is save to a simple file, CSV is recommended to save into a spreadsheet directly use TAB. | |
System | EOL | EOL Switch Position of the FIT | Change the status of the FIT’s End-Of-Line. | |
System | Mode | Submenu item | Submenu item. Press Enter to allow changing of the User mode. | |
System | UserMode | FIT Installer Mode | Switch between normal Installation and Expert mode. Expert mode provides more data | |
System | Battery | Submenu item | Submenu item. Press Enter to see the current state of the FIT's AA batteries. | |
System | Battery | Battery Measurements | Press Enter to switch the display between State (Good) and Voltage. | |
System | Baudrat | Submenu item | Submenu item. Press Enter to see current FIT baud rate selection. | |
System | Baudrate | Communication Baud Rate | The current selected baud rate (autobaud is default). Pressing up or down changes the rate the FIT will communicate. | |
System | FITAddr | Submenu item | Submenu item. Pressing Enter will all viewing and changing the FIT's Address. | |
System | FIT Addr | Address of the FIT | What address the FIT is using on a bus. Up and down arrows change the FIT address used. | |
System | sys Tim | Submenu item | Submenu System Time. Pressing Enter allows user to see how long the FIT has been powered on. | |
System | Sys Time | System Time | The amount of time in seconds the FIT has been powered on. | |
System | PowerOf | Auto Power Off | Adjust the number of minutes for the FIT to go into Sleep mode. Adjustable 0-99 minutes. Default is 15 minutes. 0 minutes keeps the FIT on indefinitely. | |
System | RS-485 | Submenu item | X | Submenu Item to all the user to see the current RS-485 properties. |
System | BitVolts | Submenu item | X | Submenu Item. Pressing Enter displays the communicating Bit Volts for the bus. |
System | BitVolts | Bit Volts Reading | X | Communication Voltage reported by random sample. |
System | BitTimes | Bit Times | X | Submenu Item. Pressing Enter displays the Bit Times for the bus. |
System | Samples | Submenu item | X | Menu item to all the user to see the samples used to calculate the baud rate. |
System | Samples | nn | X | The number of samples. Pressing Enter allows the samples to be viewed. They are used to determine the baud rate (displayed with CalBaud). |
System | CalBaud | Calculated Baud Rate | X | Calculated Baud rate based on communication samples. |