The LCS85 integrates into the LonWorks network using an open-architecture flat LonWorks system. In a basic flat LonWorks system, the network is managed by a single, LonWorks Computer running an LNS-based, or IzOT-based network management tool, such as LN Builder or LonMaker.
The LCS85 communicates over the TCP/IP network with LonWorks IP routers using the ANSI/CTA-852 protocol standard. In a flat LonWorks system, a Configuration Server is necessary to manage the membership of the IP-852 channel so that all devices can route traffic to one another.
The following figure shows a complex flat LonWorks system setup with the Configuration Server positioned at IP address
Refer to the LonWorks® Network Integration with Network Engines and LCS Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201668) for more information on the LonWorks network and flat LonWorks system.