Object support - Metasys - LIT-12011549 - Supervisory Device - LCS85 Controller - 12.0

LCS85 Product Bulletin

Product name
LCS85 Controller
Document type
Product Bulletin
Document number
Revision date
Product status

The LCS85 supports 10,000 objects on the LonWorks network, but is capable of supporting up to 25,000 objects if you order the 15,000-object software upgrade for the LCS85 (MS-15KUPG-0). If you upgrade your system, the maximum amount of permanent status objects is 11,000. Permanent status objects include COV Trends (not sample-based), Alarm Extensions, Global Data Shares, and other objects involved in logic or other Metasys features. For a complete list of permanent status objects, refer to the LonWorks® Network Integration with NAE and LCS Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201668) .