Document introduction - Metasys - LIT-12011623 - Supervisory Device - LCS85 Controller - 11.0

LCS85 Installation and Upgrade Guide

Controls > Supervisory Controls > LCS85 Controller
Document type
Installation Guide
Document number
Revision date

This document provides the detailed procedures to install new LCS85 software and to upgrade the LCS85 software on a LonWorks® Control Server (LCS) 85. In addition, this document defines the prerequisites to configure your server-class operating system (OS) for LCS85 software installation.

Important: The LCS85 must be licensed with the Software Manager after you install it. In addition, you must register the Gesytec® LonWorks driver that the LCS85 software uses. The order in which you license the products does not matter. See Licensing the LCS85 and Installing and licensing a new LonWorks software driver for these licensing procedures.