About this task
Follow these steps to upgrade LCS85 software and the LonWorks software driver to the latest release on a different computer (in other words, to perform an out-of-place upgrade.
- Upload the LCS85 archive database with the SCT.
- Back up the LCS85 archive database with SCT. Store the backup file to an external media source such as a USB flash drive. Backup files are stored on the SCT computer in this location: C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\DatabaseFiles.
Config 852 Interface
in the Search box of the Start screen. - Select Config 852 Interface from the Apps results.
- In the Soft License Configuration section, write down the values shown for the Node-Id (Neuron ID), MAC-Address, and Key attributes in the EasyLon IP Interface Configuration screen.
- Determine the MAC address of the new LCS85 computer on which you install the upgraded LCS85 software. For details, see Determining the MAC address of the computer address of the computer. If this LCS85 computer has two network cards, make sure you record the MAC address of the card that you must use to communicate with the LON network and the Metasys system.
To submit a request for a new license key, send an email to info@gesytec.de and
provide the following information that you recorded in the previous two
- MAC address of new LCS85 computer
- MAC address of original LCS85 computer
- Node Id (Neuron ID)
- Key
- While you wait for the returned email from Gesytec, prepare the new computer to accept LCS85 software. Assign the same name to the new LCS85 computer as the original LCS85 computer.
- Install the LCS85 software to the new computer. See Installing LCS85 software.
- Install and license the LonWorks software driver. See Installing and licensing a new LonWorks software driver. Use the new key value that you received from Gesytec.
License the LCS85 software on the new LCS85 computer. See Licensing the LCS85.
Note: To move a software license for the LCS85 software from one machine to another, you must deactivate the license on the old machine and then activate it on the new machine.
- Restore the backed-up archive database to the new LCS85 computer with SCT.
- Log on to the LCS85 computer and verify functionality.