What is the Create and Delete Object feature?
What do the Create and Delete Object feature icons look like?
The following table outlines the Create and Delete Object feature icons.
Icon | Icon name | Icon description |
Add Network Item | Opens the Create Item |
Delete Network Item wizard, where you can create an object. | Opens the Delete Item window, where you can delete an object. |
How do I access the Create and Delete Object feature?
- Click the Network tab to open the Network tree.
- The Create and Delete Object feature is represented by a toolbar over the navigation tree. The toolbar contains the Add Network Item icon, the Tree Settings icon, and the Delete Network Item icon.
Who can access and use the Create and Delete Object feature?
This feature is accessible to both Administrator and Non-Administrator users.
You require the Configure Items permission for at least one authorization category to view the Create and Delete Object toolbar in the Network tree. If you do not have this permission for any of the authorization categories, the Add Network Item icon and the Delete Network Item icon do not display. In addition, to view the Network tree, you require the User Can View The Item Navigation Tree (Default Tree) property in your User Details within the User Management feature in Metasys UI.
Action | Required authorization and other requirements |
Creating an object | Configure Items permission for at least one of the authorization categories. This applies to all object types and to all means of object creation, including discovery. |
Creating an extension on an object | Configure Items permission for the authorization category of the parent object, as extensions inherit the parents' authorization category. |
Deleting an object |
Which object types are supported?
Depending on the object that you select from the Network tree, the Create Item wizard displays the available object types. For example, when you select an Analog Value object, one of the options for General Type is Extension, and the corresponding options for Object Type are Alarm, Trend, Averaging, Totalization, or Load . The following table outlines these different options in more detail.
Network tree selection | General Type options | Object Type options |
Site | None | |
Metasys Server | Integration (OAS, NAE85, and LCS85 only) |
Object |
Additionally, OAS only:
Extension |
Engine | Integration |
Object |
Extension |
Integration | Field Device |
The object types depend on the selected field device. The following object types are supported:
Object | Folder | |
Extension |
Field Device | Field Point |
The object types depend on the selected field
point. The following object types are supported:
Object | Folder | |
Extension |
Folder | Object |
Note: When you select a folder under an integration,
you can add a field device within that folder. When you select a
folder under a field device, you can add field points.
Any object type that
supports alarm, trend, or other listed extension type. For
example, AV, BV, extensions, etc.
Note: When you choose Extension as the General
Type, the Object Type options include only the extension types
supported for the selected object.
Extension |
General Type | Object |
Integration | View and edit the following objects after
creation in SMP or SCT:
Field point on BACnet IP and MS/TP devices | View and edit the following object after creation in SMP or SCT: Electric Demand Monitoring |
Field point on LON and N1 controllers | View and edit the following objects after creation in SMP: Generic Integration Object (GIO) |
Object |
View and edit the following objects after creation in SMP or SCT:
View and edit the following objects after creation in CCT:
Extension | Resource File |
Other |
View the following objects after creation in SMP or SCT:
View the following objects after creation in SCT: UGT / GGT Graphics |
How do I manually create and configure an object or integration?
- Select the location (object) in the Network tree where you wish to create the new object.
- Click or tap the Create icon in the upper left of the Network tree. The Create Item wizard opens.
- Select a general type from the General Type drop-down list.
- Select an object type from the Object Type drop-down list.
Review the unique identifier in the
Unique Identifier field and
change it, if required.
Note: A default value is used for the unique identifier. The unique identifier is used to form part of the Item Reference of the object, which cannot be modified after creation. You can change the object's name in the Configuration tab of the wizard. The object's name displays in the Network tree.
- Click or tap NEXT.
- Complete the required fields in the Configuration tab and, if applicable, the fields for any additional tab in the wizard. For example, if you create a Multiple Command object, complete the fields under the Action Tables tab. If you create a Schedule object, complete the fields under the Schedule tab. If you create an Event Enrollment object, complete the fields under the Event tab next to the Configuration tab.
- Click or tap CREATE.
How do I manually create and configure an extension?
- Select the location (object) in the Network tree where you wish to create the new extension.
- Click or tap the Create icon in the upper left of the tree. The Create Item wizard opens.
- Select a general type from the General Type drop-down list.
- Select an object type from the Object Type drop-down list.
- Select an attribute from the Attribute drop-down list.
- Enter a unique identifier in the Unique
IdentifierWhich extensions can I
create? field. Note: A default value is used for the unique identifier. The unique identifier is used to form part of the Item Reference of the object, which cannot be modified after creation. You can change the object's name in the Configuration tab of the wizard. The object's name displays in the Network tree.
- Click or tap NEXT.
- Complete the required fields in the Configuration tab to configure the extension.
- Click or tap CREATE.
Which extensions can I create?
From Metasys Release 12.0, you can create alarm, trend, averaging, load, and totalization extensions. See Alarm extensions, Trend extensions, Totalization extensions, Averaging extensions, and Load extensions for more information about these extension types.
Where does a newly created object appear in the network tree?
When you create a new object on the server, an engine, or a controller, the newly created object is appended to the bottom of the list of its parent object. You can reorganize the list with the Organize Tree functionality. See Tree settings for more information.
How do I delete an object?
Select an object in the
Network tree that you want to delete.
Important: The object's child objects are also deleted by this action.
- Click or tap the Delete icon. The Delete Item window opens.
- Review the information pertaining to the deletion of a single object and its children.
- Click or tap DELETE.
See also Who can access and use the Create and Delete Object feature? for more information about authorization to delete an object.
Who can see the results of a create or delete operation?
The result of any create or delete operation takes effect immediately for the user who performed the action. However, all other users have to refresh the web browser to see the changes in their Network tree.
Is the Create and Delete Object feature supported on all devices?
Yes, the Create and Delete Object feature is supported on desktop, tablets, and smartphones.