Working with Metasys UI graphics on engines - Metasys - LIT-12012116 - Server - Metasys UI - 7.0

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Building Automation Systems > Graphics and Interfaces > Metasys UI
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You can use Graphics Manager in JCT to create, delete, and modify Metasys UI graphics on Metasys Release 13.0 and later SNx engines, including both Site Director engines and child engines.

From Release 13.0, all SNx engines include a system-created Graphics folder in the Network tree. You can choose this folder as the location for creating new graphics in JCT, which allows you to store graphics directly on a specific engine. When creating graphics in a specific engine's Graphics folder, you can nest the graphics to create an organized hierarchy of up to seven levels. You can also create associated graphics for network items on engines, such as field controllers and alarm extensions.

To create and delete graphics in a specific engine's Graphics folder, use the Engine Graphics toolbar, which includes icons for adding and deleting graphics. This toolbar appears in JCT's Graphics Manager only when you select an engine's system-created Graphics folder or any graphic in that folder. The Engine Graphics toolbar displays in Graphics Manager below the Location List drop-down and above the All Metasys UI Graphics folder. For details, see How do I view Metasys UI graphics on engines? and How do I delete Metasys UI graphics on engines?

Note: The Engine Graphics toolbar hides if you select any location in Graphics Manager other than an engine's Graphics folder or a graphic in that folder.
Figure 1. Engine graphics
Table 1. Engine graphics
Number Name Description
1 Add/+ icon Click this icon to create a new graphic on an engine at the currently selected location.
2 Engine Graphics toolbar This toolbar appears when you select the Graphics folder or any graphic in that folder, on any engine that supports Metasys UI graphics.
3 Delete icon Click this icon to delete the selected graphic from an engine.
4 Graphics folder This system-created folder is used for storing all of the Metasys UI graphics on an engine.

How do I create Metasys UI graphics on engines?

To create Metasys UI graphics on an engine, create the graphic in JCT and then complete a sync or download operation in SCT.

If you create a graphic directly in the Graphics folder of an engine, the graphic is stored on that engine. If you create a graphic through association to an engine or a network item under an engine, the graphic is always stored on the Site Director.

To create a graphic on a specific engine, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the User menu, click Feature Management and Graphics Manager.
  2. On the Graphics tab, from the Location list, select Network.
  3. In the Network tree, expand the engine that you require, and select the Graphics folder.
  4. On the Engine Graphics toolbar, click the + icon.
  5. In the New Graphic window, complete the following steps:
    1. Select a template.
    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the graphic.
      Note: The following are invalid characters for a graphic name: <, >, :, ", /, \, ?, *, |, @, #, .(period), and , (comma).
    3. If required, in the Description field, enter a description.
    4. From the Authorization Category list, select the category that you require.
    5. Click CREATE. The graphic appears in the Graphics folder on the network tree.

After you create a graphic, use SCT's download or sync operation. If the graphic is stored on the engine, download or sync just that engine. If the graphic is stored on the Site Director, but associated to a network item on a child engine, you need to download or sync both the Site Director and the child engine.

How do I create nested Metasys UI graphics on engines?

To create nested graphics on an engine, in JCT, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the User menu, click Feature Management and Graphics Manager.
  2. On the Graphics tab, from the Location list, select Network.
  3. In the Network tree, expand the engine that you require, and select the Graphics folder.
  4. Select the graphic that you want to nest another graphic to.
  5. On the Engine Graphics toolbar, click the + icon.
  6. In the New Graphic window, complete the following steps:
    1. Select a template.
    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the graphic.
      Note: The following are invalid characters for a graphic name: <, >, :, ", /, \, ?, *, |, @, #, .(period), and , (comma).
    3. If required, in the Description field, enter a description.
    4. From the Authorization Category list, select the category that you require.
    5. Click CREATE. On the Network tree, the graphic appears as a child graphic of the graphic that you added it to.

How do I modify Metasys UI graphics on engines?

To modify a graphic on an engine, complete the following steps:
  1. Open the User menu, click Feature Management and Graphics Manager.
  2. On the Graphics tab, from the Location list, select Network.
  3. In the Network tree, expand the engine that you require, and select the Graphics folder.
  4. Select the graphic that you require.
  5. On the Preview pane, click the Edit icon.
  6. Edit the graphic as required.
  7. Click SAVE and EXIT.

How do I delete Metasys UI graphics on engines?

Note: In the Graphics Manager, when you delete a parent Metasys UI graphic, graphics nested under the parent are also deleted.
To delete a graphic through an engine's Graphics folder, complete the following steps:
  1. Open the User menu, click Feature Management and Graphics Manager.
  2. On the Graphics tab, from the Location list, select Network.
  3. In the Network tree, expand the engine that you require, and select the Graphics folder.
  4. Select the graphic that you require.
  5. On the Engine Graphics toolbar, click the Delete icon and confirm the deletion.
The delete message lists any associated nested graphics when you delete the parent graphic. The list displays the Type, Name, and Reference of the nested graphics. If the graphic does not have any nested graphics and is not associated with any network items, the delete message displays: No Items.
To delete a graphic through the All Metasys UI Graphics folder, complete the following steps:
  1. Open the User menu, click Feature Management and Graphics Manager.
  2. On the Graphics tab, from the Location list, select Network.
  3. In the Network tree, select the All Metasys UI Graphics folder.
  4. In the Graphics list, select the graphic that you want to delete.
  5. On the Graphics List toolbar, click the Delete icon and confirm the deletion.
The delete message lists any associated nested graphics when you delete the parent graphic. The list displays the Type, Name, and Reference of the nested graphics. If the graphic does not have any nested graphics and is not associated with any network items, the delete message displays: No Items.