Logic Viewer and Editor widget - Metasys - LIT-12012116 - Server - Metasys UI - 6.0

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What is the Logic Viewer and Editor widget?

This widget provides a single view of Logic Connection Tool (LCT) logic diagrams in Metasys UI and JCT. LCT logic is required to control certain aspects of a Building Automation System (BAS). Program (Control System) objects are often used to create supervisory control logic to comply with the sequence of operations called out in project plans, specifications, or contract documents for various systems in a BAS.

The widget consists of a viewing component, hereafter called Logic Viewer, and an editing component, hereafter called Logic Editor.

The Logic Viewer provides a visual representation of supervisory LCT logic for you to understand, trace, and troubleshoot logic in the Metasys system. The Logic Editor provides the functionality to create new logic and edit existing logic.

Who can access the Logic Viewer and Editor? Who can modify logic diagrams?

You do not require special authorization or licensing to access the Logic Viewer and Editor and to modify logic diagrams.

How do I access the Logic Viewer and Editor?

The Logic Viewer widget appears on the dashboard any time you select a Program (Control System) object. If the widget does not appear on Page 1 of the dashboard, click the Page 1 drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the dashboard and select the page that shows the Logic Viewer. To navigate from the Logic Viewer to the Logic Editor, click the Edit icon in the upper-right corner of the Logic Viewer widget.
Note: This widget is available in both Metasys UI and JCT.

What is the layout of the Logic Viewer and Editor?

The following figures and tables describe the layout of the Logic Viewer and the Logic Editor.
Figure 1. Logic Viewer
Table 1. Logic Viewer
Number Name Description
1 Main display Provides a single view of the logic diagram. The diagram displays live values.
2 Export Exports the logic diagram in PDF format.
3 Edit Click to open the Logic Editor.
4 Select Select an element of the logic diagram and navigate to it.
5 Pan Move the entire logic diagram.
6 Zoom In Zoom in to the logic diagram. You can also move the wheel button on your mouse to zoom in.
7 Zoom Reset Zoom Reset fits a logic diagram within the main display. The zoom level is adjusted based on the content of the logic diagram.
8 Zoom Out Zoom out of the logic diagram. You can also move the wheel button on your mouse to zoom out.
9 Command (if applicable) For Input Reference blocks and Output Reference blocks, you can launch the command dialog directly from the Logic Viewer.
Figure 2. Logic Editor
Table 2. Logic Editor
Number Name Description
1 Logic Blocks pane Select from a range of logic blocks to create or edit a logic diagram. Hover over a logic block to see the name of the logic block. See Which logic blocks are available and what do they do? for more details.
2 Logic canvas The logic canvas provides the display area for the logic that is currently open. You add, move, and delete logic elements in this area to create your logic diagram.
3 Logic Checker Check the logic you created to find out if there are any configuration warnings. Hover over the relevant block or exclamation points to learn more about the configuration warnings.
4 Paste

Paste elements that you cut or copied on the logic canvas.

Keyboard shortcut to paste: Ctrl + V

5 Select

Select an element of the logic diagram on the logic canvas to move or edit it. When you select an element of the diagram, the horizontal toolbar opens. Use this panel to edit the values in the property panel, copy, cut, duplicate, or delete an item.

Keyboard shortcut to select: V

6 Pan

See different views of the logic diagram.

Keyboard shortcut to pan: H

7 Undo

Undo the previous action on the logic canvas.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Z

8 Redo

Redo or reverse the previous undo action on the logic canvas.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Y

9 Zoom In Zoom in to the logic canvas. You can also move the wheel button on your mouse to zoom in.
10 Zoom Reset Zoom Reset fits a logic diagram within the logic canvas. The zoom level is adjusted based on the content of the logic diagram.
11 Zoom Out Zoom out of the logic canvas. You can also move the wheel button on your mouse to zoom out.
13 Save Save the logic diagram.
14 Cancel Cancel your work.

Which logic blocks are available and what do they do?

The following logic blocks are available:
Table 3. Logic blocks overview
Logic block category Description
Tools Contains the Text block. Use the Text block to insert a text box in the logic diagram. See How do I add a text box to a logic diagram in the Logic Editor? for more details.
Input & Output Gives you the ability to expose values from within the control logic, either as an input or output. These blocks are considered attributes of the Program (Control System) Object in which they are included. A control system is limited to a combination of 24 inputs and 24 outputs. See Table 4 for more details.
Constant Passes a constant value to building block inputs. See Table 5 for more details.
Math Performs mathematical functions on one or more inputs, producing a single output. See Table 6 for more details.
Boolean Performs Boolean functions on two to eight inputs, producing a single output. See Table 7 for more details.
Statistical Performs statistical functions on two to eight inputs, producing a single output. See Table 8 for more details.
Selector Performs multiplexing for two to eight inputs, producing a single output. Based on the current mode assigned to each input, the selector chooses which input to pass through to the output. See Table 9 for more details.
Control Performs control functions on three inputs, producing a single output. Most control logic blocks have three inputs. The blocks compare input number 1 with input number 2 using the differential (input number 3). The Sequencer functions differently. See Table 10 and What is a Sequencer block? for more details.
Psychrometric Performs psychrometric functions on the defined inputs, producing a single output. Psychrometric logic blocks have two inputs. See Table 11 for more details.
Calculation Controls the amount that an output can change per control system execution or extrapolates an output by using two inputs for reference. The Calculation category contains the Span block and Rate Limit block. See What is a Span block? and What is a Rate Limit (RL) block? for more details.
Timing Passes its input to its output at the next execution of the control system, every five seconds. Timing blocks are used to break up feedback loops. See Table 12 for more details.
System When you place a System block on the logic canvas, a configuration wizard guides you through the configuration of the control system. System blocks are useful when you have complex logic, because they facilitate the nesting of one control system under another control system. When you create a System block, the Metasys software creates a Program (Control System) Object under the first Program object in the building network tree.
Table 4. Input & Output blocks
Type Description
Input Reference After you insert an Input Reference or Output Reference, you can edit which object or attribute is being referenced. You can also launch the command dialog directly from the Logic Viewer.
Output Reference
Input blocks: FLOAT, ENUM, and BOOL Drag the blocks from the Logic Blocks pane to the logic canvas. Click the Property Panel icon to configure the blocks.
Output blocks: FLOAT, ENUM, and BOOL
Table 5. Constant blocks
Type Description
ENUM Enumeration
REL Release. This block sends the Release command at a specific priority based on the connection.
Table 6. Math blocks


Math function


× Multiply 2–8
+ Add 2–8
÷ Divide 2
Subtract 2
NEG Negative 1
ABS Absolute 1
SQRT Square Root 1
COS Cosine 1
SIN Sine 1
TAN Tangent 1
ATAN Arc Tangent 1
ASIN Arc Sine 1
ACOS Arc Cosine 1
EXP Exponent: the operation of raising to a power, whereby the power value is connected as an input 1
LN Natural Log 1
LOG Log 1
X^Y X^Y 2
Note: The trigonometry blocks Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Arc Sine, Arc Cosine, and Arc Tangent perform calculations based on radians only.
Table 7. Boolean blocks


AND 2–8
OR 2–8
LATCH See What is a Latch block?
Table 8. Statistical blocks



AVG 2–8
MAX 2–8
MIN 2–8
Table 9. Selector blocks
Type Inputs
MUX The Multiplexer block has 2–8 inputs, one mode input, and one output. Depending on the current value of the mode input, the Selector chooses which input passes through to the output.
Table 10. Control blocks
Block Statistical type Inputs
> Greater than 3
< Less than 3
Less than or equal 3
Greater than or equal 3
Not equal 3
= Equal 3
SEQ Sequencer See What is a Sequencer block?
Table 11. Psychrometric blocks


Description Upper input Lower input
EnDp Enthalpy - Dew point DB DP
EnRh Enthalpy - Relative humidity DB RH
RhDp Relative humidity - Dew point DB DP
RhWb Relative humidity - Wet bulb DB WB
WbDp Wet bulb - Dew point DB DP
WbRh Wet bulb - Relative humidity DB RH
ABH Absolute humidity DB RH
Dp Dew point DB RH
Table 12. Timing blocks
Type Description
Delay Delay blocks have one input and one output, and are commonly used to break up feedback loops.
Timer See What is a Timer block?, What is a Pulse timer?, What is an On Delay timer?, What is an Off Delay timer?, What is a Minimum On timer?, and What is a Minimum Off timer? for more details.
Time See What is a Time block? for more details.

What is a Latch block?

The Latch block holds a binary value until you command it to reset. Latch blocks help capture rapidly changing binary states that might otherwise be missed. The input of the Latch block is a binary attribute, sampled every time the logic system runs, which is every five seconds.

Reset determines if the output of the block changes with a change in the value of the input. When Reset is True, the output of the Latch block stays its original value, even if the input changes value. Reset is also a binary attribute. To change the value of Reset, click Command on the input reference block in the Logic Viewer and issue an Inactive or Active command.

This table translates the value of the input or reset binary attribute into True and False values for the Latch block:

Table 13. Latch Blocks
Binary attribute value Command True or False
1.0 Active True
0.0 Inactive False

The following table and figure summarize the operation of the Latch block:

Table 14. Latch block operation
Input Reset Output
Goes from False to True False


Even if the Input goes to False, the Output stays True as long as Reset is False.

Goes from False to True True False
Goes from True to False False


Even if the Input goes to True, the Output stays False as long as Reset is False.

Goes from True to False True False
Figure 3. Latch block example

What is a Sequencer block?

Sequencer blocks activate devices in a sequential order based on the rank of the device and whether the device is enabled. Lower ranked devices are activated before higher ranked devices, and higher ranked devices are deactivated before lower ranked devices.

The input value at which the sequencer activates or deactivates each device is based on the make and break limits configured for the Sequencer. See Table 38 for information about configuring the make and break limits. The defaults for a 3-stage Sequencer with a range of 0–100 are the following:

Table 15. Sequencer block
  Make limits (activation points) Break limits (deactivation points)
Stage 1 33 1
Stage 2 67 34
Stage 3 99 68

Sequencer blocks can output a value for minimum of 2 and maximum of 8 devices. The following table describes the components of a Sequencer block:

Table 16. Sequencer block components
Component Description
Input Determines the number of activated stages.
Instant Shutdown

Determines if the Sequencer is enabled or disabled. Use a binary object attribute

(1.0=Enabled, 0.0=Disabled).

Rotate Now

Activates reordering of output sequence. The manner in which the outputs Device 1 Output through Device 8 Output are reordered for activation is based on a combination of two factors: the ranking defined for each device, and whether the device is enabled. All enabled outputs are scheduled for output selection prior to disabled outputs. And, within each of these categories (enabled and disabled outputs), the selections are ordered beginning with the lowest ranked and proceeding on through to the highest ranked output. Unlike all other reordering scenarios, the issue of whether or not a device is currently active is not taken into account in this situation.

Use a binary object attribute (1.0=Rotate now, 0.0=Do not rotate now).

Device 1–8 Enable

Establishes whether or not the output is enabled. Use a binary object attribute

(1.0=Enabled, 0.0=Disabled).

Device 1–8 Rank Establishes the order in which device outputs are activated. Use an analog object attribute (reference block) or a Constant block.
Table 17. Sequencer block example

Binary attribute value

Command True or False
1.0 Active True
0.0 Inactive False

What is a Span block?

The Span block applies a range and extrapolated values to an input to produce an output. This table describes the Span block components:

Table 18. Span Blocks
Symbol Description
IN Input
IL Input Low
OL Output Low
IH Input High
OH Output High

The Span block creates a linear relationship between the low input/output and high input/output pair. If the Input for the Span block falls between the low and high input, the Output of the Span block is found on the line between the low and high pairs.

The following example shows a graphical picture of how the Span block works:

Figure 4. Span block example 1

The line connecting the low and high pairs (blue line) represents the linear relationship between them. When you enter an Input for the Span block, the logic finds where the line crosses that input and provides the corresponding output. The output must lie on the thick blue line. Using the previous figure, if you enter 5 for the Span block Input, the block would find 5 on the Input axis and provide an output of 5.5 because that is where the line crosses an Input value of 5. The green line shows this relationship.

If the Span block is configured to clamp the value of the Output, the Output of the block is restricted to the range between (and including) the low and high Output you enter for the block. Range clamping is the default setting. For example, assume you are using the values in the following figure and have clamping set to True. If you enter an Input of 5, you still generate an Output of 5.5, because the original line crosses an Input of 5 at 5.5, which is between 4 and 8 (low and high output). If you enter an Input of 12, you generate an Output of 8, because where the original line crosses an Input of 12 is higher than the high output (see where thin blue and thin green lines intersect). If clamping is True for both high and low, the output must lie on the newly drawn thick blue line.

Figure 5. Span block example 2

The Span block works for the reverse span also, if the Output High is lower than the Output Low. See Table 41 for information about editing Span blocks.

What is a Rate Limit (RL) block?

The Rate Limit block controls the rate at which its Output changes with variations in its Input value. If rate limiting is disabled, this block passes the value of the Input to the Output. If rate limiting is enabled, this block limits changes to its Output to an increment determined by the Step Equation, executed according to the rate limit. This table describes the components of the Rate Limit block:

Table 19. RL (Rate Limit blocks)
Symbol Description
IN Input


Enables rate limiting. Use a binary object attribute reference for EN:

0 = Disabled (Inactive command)

1 = Enabled (Active command)

Rate Limit blocks use the Step Equation to determine the maximum increment (step) the Output can change to match the Input if the two differ. The Step Equation recalculates the step every time system logic executes (every 5 seconds).

The Step Equation looks like this:

Step = Rate Limit/60,000 x Actual Period, where Rate Limit is the rate per minute to increase or decrease the Output until it matches the Input, and where Actual Period is the time in milliseconds since the last execution of the block. The system logic and Step Equation execute every 5 seconds (5,000 milliseconds).

For example, if the Rate Limit block is set up like this:

Rate Limit = 10

Actual Period = 5,000 (milliseconds)

The Step Equation looks like this:

Step = 10/60,000 x 5,000

Step = 0.8

So, the maximum increment the Output can change on its way to match the Input is 0.8.

What is a Timer block?

This table describes the components of the Timer block:

Table 20. Timer block
Output Description
IN Input
RS Reset. Cancels the timer. Reset does not apply to Minimum On or Minimum Off timers. Use a binary object attribute for Reset (1.0=Reset Active, 0.0=Reset Inactive).

The LCT contains five different types of timers, including the Pulse timer, On Delay timer, Off Delay timer, Minimum On timer, and Minimum Off timer. Each type uses a duration (how long the timer is active) and unique functions to generate an Output.

What is a Pulse timer?

The following table and figures illustrate the function of the Pulse timer.

Table 21. Pulse Timer Function
Feature Description
Activation Goes active if the Input goes from low to high in two consecutive executions (logic executes every five seconds. The Pulse timer remains active for the amount of time specified in Duration, then goes to inactive. High to low transitions do not activate this timer.
Output Stays high as long as the timer is active. After the Duration expires, the Output goes low at the next logic execution.
Reset Cancels timer activity and makes the output low. If the Reset goes from high to low, the timer re-evaluates the Input at the next low to high transition.
Example Captures a short pulse on a binary input and keeps the Output True long enough so that the logic can react to it.
Figure 6. Pulse timer example 1
Figure 7. Pulse timer example 2

What is an On Delay timer?

The following table and figures illustrate the function of the On Delay timer.

Table 22. On Delay Timer Function
Feature Description
Activation Goes inactive in a low to high Input transition, depending on the state of the input during the duration period. If the Input returns to a low state (inactive), the timing cycle is canceled and the Output remains inactive. If the Input remains in a high state, the Output goes to the high state at the next execution of logic.

In a high to low Input transition, the Output becomes inactive the next time the logic executes (logic executes every 5 seconds).

Output See previous row.
Reset Cancels timer activity and makes the output inactive. If the Reset goes from active to inactive, the timer re-evaluates the Input at the next low to high transition.
Example Delays the supply fan start 20 seconds after the return fan starts.
Figure 8. On Delay timer example 1
Figure 9. On Delay timer example 2

What is an Off Delay timer?

The following table and figures illustrate the function of the Off Delay timer.

Table 23. Off Delay Timer Function
Feature Description
Activation In a low to high Input transition, the Output becomes active the next time the logic executes (logic executes every 5 seconds).

Goes inactive in a high to low Input transition, depending on the state of the input during the duration period. If the Input returns to a high state (active), the timing cycle is canceled and the Output remains active. If the Input remains in a low state, the Output goes to the low state at the next execution of logic.

Output See previous row.
Reset Cancels timer activity and makes the output inactive. If the Reset goes from active to inactive, the timer re-evaluates the Input at the next low to high transition.
Example Keeps the fan running to purge the coils after a heating or cooling system is turned off. Off Delay is useful when your building contains electrical heat and/or DX cooling.
Figure 10. Off Delay mode example 1
Figure 11. Off Delay mode example 2

What is a Minimum On timer?

The following table and figures illustrate the function of the Minimum On timer.

Table 24. Minimum On timer function
Feature Description
Activation See the following row.
Output Goes active when there is a low to high Input transition when the timer executes (logic executes every 5 seconds). The Output remains active until the time specified in Duration passes AND the Input returns to inactive.
Reset Has no effect on Minimum On timer.
Example Keeps a chiller running for a minimum time after startup to stabilize equipment.
Figure 12. Minimum On timer example 1
Figure 13. Minimum On timer example 2

What is a Minimum Off timer?

The following table and figures illustrate the function of the Minimum Off timer.

Table 25. Minimum Off timer function
Feature Description
Activation See the following row.
Output Goes inactive when there is a high to low Input transition when the timer executes (logic executes every 5 seconds). The Output remains inactive until the time specified in Duration passes and the Input returns to active.
Reset Has no effect on Minimum Off timer.
Example Keeps a chiller off from a minimum time after shutdown to equalize refrigerant.
Figure 14. Minimum Off timer example 1
Figure 15. Minimum Off timer example 2

What is a Time block?

A Time block has no configurable input because it extracts time and date information from the network. The time is based on the time of the engine under which the logic diagram is created and it is local time. The outputs of a Time block are six time and date values:

Table 26. Time Blocks
Output Description Format
HH Hour 0–23 (24-hour time)
MM Minute 0–59
YR Year four-digit year
MO Month 1–12
DA Day 1–31
DOW Day of the Week








How do I add a new logic block in the Logic Editor?

To add a new Input Reference or Output Reference block, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Logic Blocks pane, select the required block.
  2. For example, select an Input Reference block, then drag and drop the block on the logic canvas.
  3. In the Attribute Name window, select the required item from the All Items tree and then select the required attribute from the Attribute list in the bottom-left of the window.
  4. Click OK.
To add a new Program (Control System) object type, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Logic Blocks pane, select the System block.
  2. Drag and drop the block on the logic canvas.
  3. In the Create Item window, enter a unique identifier and click NEXT.
  4. Configure the object as required and click CREATE.
To add a new logic block other than Input Reference, Output Reference, or System, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Logic Blocks pane, select the required block.
  2. Drag and drop the block on the logic canvas.
Note: When you save the logic diagram, the logic starts to execute. Therefore, click SAVE when you have completed your configuration of the logic diagram, and not after every drag-and-drop operation.

How do I add a text box to a logic diagram in the Logic Editor?

  1. From Logic Blocks > Tools, select Text.
  2. Drag and drop the Text block on the logic canvas.
  3. Click on the Text block. A horizontal toolbar opens.
  4. On the toolbar, click the Property Panel icon.
  5. In the Text field, enter the required text.

How do I edit a logic block in the Logic Editor?

To edit the properties of a logic block, complete the following steps:
  1. Click on the logic block that you want to edit. A horizontal toolbar opens.
  2. On the toolbar, click the Property Panel icon.
    Note: The Property Panel icon is disabled for blocks that are not configurable. The options available in the Property Panel depend on the type of logic block.

See the following tables for more details about the respective blocks that you want to edit.

Table 27. Input block configuration
Field Description
Name Name of the input.
Note: The name cannot begin with a hyphen (-). The name cannot consist of only a space, or only a double quotation mark (").
Units The units for the output.

This field appears for floating inputs only.

Display Precision

Tells the Metasys software what precision to use when formatting data.

This field appears for floating inputs only.

Enum Category

Set category determined by the user interface, either Two State or Multi State.

This field appears for Enum inputs only.

Enum Set

Set determined by the category selected in Enum Category.

This field appears for Enum inputs only.


This is checked if you want the attribute to trigger the control system to execute if its value changes by more than the defined increment.

Table 28. Input Reference block configuration
Field Description
Label Enter a label for the block.
Note: Do not start labels with a number and then follow it with any of these characters: $ . - , In addition, the label cannot consist of only a space, or only a double quotation mark (").
Object Browses to the object to which the reference is linked. Leaving this field blank leaves a placeholder for a future reference. The dragged object's name appears in this field and the object's attributes appear in the drop-down list in the attribute field.
Attribute The attribute to which the reference is linked. When you configure an Input reference, the drop-down list contains numeric attributes only.
Units Units for the attribute
Trigger This is checked if you want the attribute to trigger the control system to execute immediately instead of waiting for the next control system scan if the value changes by more than the defined increment. Otherwise, the control system executes normally.
Increment Sets the increment.
Table 29. Output block configuration
Field Description
Name Name of the output.
Note: The name cannot begin with a hyphen (-). The name cannot consist of only a space, or only a double quotation mark (").
Units The units for the output.
Display Precision

Tells the Metasys software what precision to use when formatting data.

This field appears for floating outputs only.

Enum Category

Set category determined by the user interface, either Two State or Multi State.

This field appears for Enum outputs only.

Enum Set

Set determined by the category selected in Enum Category.

This field appears for Enum outputs only.

Table 30. Output Reference block configuration
Field Description
Label Enter a label for the block.
Note: Do not start labels with a number and then follow it with any of these characters: $ . - , In addition, the label cannot consist of only a space, or only a double quotation mark (").
Object Browses to the object to which the reference is linked. Leaving this field blank leaves a placeholder for a future reference. The dragged object’s name appears in this field and the object’s attributes appear in the drop-down list in the attribute field.
Attribute The attribute to which the reference is linked. When you configure an Output reference, the drop-down list contains numeric, writable attributes only.
Table 31. Constant Enum block configuration
Field Description
Enum Category Set category determined by the user interface, either Two State or Multi State.
Enum Set Set determined by the category selected in Enum Category.
Enum Set state determined by the set and set category.
Table 32. Constant Float block configuration
Field Description
Value The value of the float.
Units The units used by the float.
Table 33. Math block configuration
Field Description
Input The number of inputs depends on the type of block that you use. The input count cannot be lower than the number of current connections.
Table 34. Boolean block configuration
Field Description
Input The number of inputs depends on the type of block that you use. The input count cannot be lower than the number of current connections.
Table 35. Statistical block configuration
Field Description
Input The input count cannot be lower than the number of current connections.
Table 36. Selector block configuration
Field Description
Input The number of inputs determines the list of inputs.
Enum Category Filters the enumeration set list based on the chosen category.
Enum Set When Enum Set changes, all modes are reset.
Input 1 Mode(s) Click the button and a dialog box appears that allows you to select which modes associate with each input. In the dialog box, select the check box next to the desired mode(s). If a mode is already assigned to another input, the mode appears dimmed. Select Default to select all modes for an input that are not currently selected by any other input.
Input 2 Mode(s) Click the button and a dialog box appears that allows you to select which modes associate with each input. In the dialog box, select the check box next to the desired mode(s). If a mode is already assigned to another input, the mode appears dimmed. Select Default to select all modes for an input that are not currently selected by any other input. There is one of these per input (2–8).
Table 37. Control block configuration
Field Description
Type The Type of comparison performed by the block. This field defaults to what was dragged over.
Note: See Table 38 for details about the Sequencer block configuration.
Table 38. Sequencer block configuration
Field Description
Outputs Determines the number of binary outputs for the block.
Min On Time Specifies the minimum time an output must be on before being deactivated to an off condition. When an output is activated, a timer starts. Until the timer reaches the minimum time, the output cannot be deactivated. However, an Instant Shutdown or a Rotate Now command is applied immediately, and overrides the Min On Time value.
Min Off Time Specifies the minimum time an output must be off before being reactivated to an on condition. When an output is deactivated, a timer starts. Until the timer reaches the minimum time, the output cannot be activated. However, an Instant Shutdown or a Rotate Now command is applied immediately, and overrides the Min Off Time value.
Interstage On Delay Defines the minimum time that must elapse between the sequential activation of Sequencer stages.
Interstage Off Delay Defines the minimum time that must elapse between sequential deactivation of Sequencer stages.
Make/Break Limits

The box next to Make/Break indicates if Proactive is selected and, when you click, launches the Make/Break Dialog box.

In the Make/Break Dialog box:

  • Default check box: Disables all make/break limit text boxes and uses the default values. The default values are set so that each device is on for a proportional amount of time. If you do not select Default, you must enter at least one set of values for a stage.
  • Proactive check box: Disables the Stage 1 make/break limit boxes (because that stage is always on) and shifts all the make/break limits down one stage.
  • Make Limit: Turns on the stage when the input value to the block reaches this limit.
  • Break Limit: Turns off the stage when the input value to the block decreases to this value.

Make/Break Limit Rules:

  • The current stage make limit must be less than the next stage make limit.
  • The current stage break limit must be less than the current stage make limit,


    the current stage make limit must be greater than the current stage break limit.

  • The current stage break limit must be less than the next stage break limit.
Table 39. Psychrometric block configuration
Field Description
Elevation Configure the current elevation of the site in feet or meters.
Unit Type

Choose International System of Units (SI) or Imperial (IP) units.

Units for Unit Type SI are kilograms of water per kilogram of dry air.

Units for Unit Type IP are pounds per cubic foot.

Table 40. Rate Limit block configuration
Field Description
Rate Limit Specifies the rate per minute to increase or decrease the Output until it matches the Input.
Startup Value Specifies the value the rate limiter block will start at when the engine is restarted and block enable is true.
Table 41. Span block configuration
Field Description
Clamp High Selects whether (True) or not (False) to clamp the Output at the Output High (OH).
Clamp Low Selects whether (True) or not (False) to clamp the Output at the Output Low (OL).
Table 42. Delay block configuration
Field Description
Startup Value Displays the initial value of the Delay block.
Table 43. Timer block configuration
Field Description
Duration Specifies the length of the timer function in seconds. The range is 5–86,400 seconds.
Setup Determines the type of timer you use:
  • Pulse
  • On Delay
  • Off Delay
  • Minimum On
  • Minimum Off
Table 44. System block configuration
Icon Description
Add Click the Add icon to add one or more attributes to expose.
Delete Select the check box next to one or more attributes and click the Delete icon to remove the selected attributes from the System.

How do I copy, cut, duplicate, or delete a logic block?

  1. Click on the logic block that you want to copy, cut, duplicate, or delete. A horizontal toolbar opens.
  2. On the toolbar, hover over the icons and select the action you want to perform. For example, click the Delete icon to delete the logic block.
    Note: You can copy, cut, duplicate, or delete all types of logic blocks. Press Ctrl and select multiple blocks to copy, cut, duplicate, or delete multiple blocks at the same time.

How do I connect logic blocks in the Logic Editor?

Connection lines connect blocks in the logic. You cannot connect inputs to inputs, or outputs to outputs. The tool determines the connection line routing, and the only way to change the routing is to move the blocks or use the hide feature. To connect logic blocks, complete the following steps:
  1. On the logic canvas, go to the first logic block that you want to connect.
  2. Move your cursor over the output port of the logic block until a + symbol appears.
  3. Click and drag the line to the logic block that you want to connect.
    Note: If the Priority Connection window opens, select the required priority. The Priority Connection window opens if you make a connection to an Output Reference block only.

What are the rules for connecting blocks?

The following table outlines the general rules for connecting blocks:
Table 45. General connection rules
Component Rules
System blocks Attribute properties:
  • Read Only
  • Writable
  • Prioritized Write
Supported connection type:
  • Output
  • Input or Output
  • Input, Output, or both
Math, Boolean, Statistical, Selector, Control, Psychrometric, Calculation Connect all inputs for these Logic blocks. If you attempt to save logic that is missing inputs, a configuration warning message appears. You can save the logic anyway or supply inputs where necessary. It is best practice to save the logic with inputs. In the Logic Editor, connected block ports are filled with color. Unconnected block ports appear without any color filled in.

How do I re-route a connection in the Logic Editor?

  1. Place the cursor over an existing end connection point until the cursor changes into a + symbol.
    Note: You can move the end connection point only. To completely change the connection, see How do I delete a connection in the Logic Editor?
  2. Drag the end connection point to the port of another block.

How do I delete a connection in the Logic Editor?

  1. Click on the connection line that you want to delete.
  2. In the Line Display toolbar, click the Delete icon. You can also use the Delete button on your keyboard to delete a connection line.

How do I hide a connection in the Logic Editor?

  1. Click on the connection line that you want to hide.
  2. In the Line Display toolbar, click Hide.

How do I run the Logic Checker?

  1. In the Logic Editor, click the Logic Checker icon in the upper-right corner.
  2. If the Logic Checker does not detect any configuration warnings, the following message appears: No issues found.
  3. If the Logic Checker detects configuration warnings, the following message appears: Configuration warnings found. Hover over the exclamation points to learn more about the configuration warnings. The following table outlines the different configuration warnings.
    Note: The configuration warnings remain until you fix the errors.
Table 46. Logic Checker configuration warnings
Condition Message text
An output is not connected. Output not connected
An input is not connected. Input not connected
A feedback loop exists in the logic. A loop has been detected, the program may not run properly

How do I create a Program (Control System) object?

For details about creating an object, see Creating and deleting objects.

How do I view and edit Program (Control System) object attributes?

To view and edit Program (Control System) object attributes, open the Detail widget of the Program (Control System) object.

Is the Logic Viewer and Editor supported on all devices?

You can use the Logic Viewer on desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones. For best performance on a tablet or smartphone, use an iOS device to view the logic diagram in the Logic Viewer. You can use the Logic Editor on desktop computers only.