The analog alarm extension contains attributes common to Metasys system objects.
The following table lists the attributes specific to the analog alarm extension. The list of attribute names are displayed in the Focus View of the alarm extension object. Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
- In the Notes column, letters indicate the following: C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, R - Affected by Extension’s Reliability, W - Writable. You can create attributes that are marked with a C in Metasys UI, and you can edit attributes that are marked with a W in Metasys UI.
- In the MOD (Global Modify) column, attributes marked with an X can be mass edited from Global Search Results.
- In the SCT (SCT Configuration Attribute) column, attributes marked with an X are viewable in the SCT Alarm Extension Focus Window.
Attribute Name |
Notes |
Initial Value |
Values/ Options/Range |
Description |
Alarm Ack Pending |
False |
Ack not pending, Ack pending |
Indicates that an event concerning a transition into the Alarm state is waiting for acknowledgment. |
Alarm Ack Required |
C,W |
False |
Ack not required, Ack required |
Indicates that a transition into the Alarm state created a message that requires acknowledgment. |
X | X |
Alarm Date |
Indicates the last date this extension transitioned into the Alarm state. Each time this transition occurs, a message is created and this date is updated. |
Alarm Message Text |
C,N,W |
Indicates the text you assigned to give further information in the event of an alarm. Only status changes to an alarm state add the alarm message text reference. |
X | X | ||
Alarm Priority |
C,W |
70 |
Indicates the priority assigned to the Alarm state. |
X | X | |
Alarm Time |
Indicates the last time this extension transitioned into the Alarm state. Each time this transition occurs, a message is created and this time is updated. |
Cooling Setpoint |
C,N,W |
Null |
Indicates the actual monitored Cooling Setpoint value based on the Setpoint Reference mapping. You can either define the Cooling Setpoint and High Alarm Limit or the Setpoint Reference. |
Cooling Setpoint Reference |
C,W |
Null |
When specified, indicates the Above Setpoint limit. You must define both the Cooling Setpoint Reference and Heating Setpoint Reference, or leave both blank. If the Cooling Setpoint Reference is defined, the High Warning Offset is added to the Cooling Setpoint Reference value to calculate the High Warning Limit. The Heating and Cooling Setpoint References are typically mapped to the Actual Heating and Cooling Setpoints created for all FEC based VAV and Terminal Unit control applications. The High and Low Warning Offsets are added to these references to calculate the High and Low Warning Limits. These reference points are used in conjunction with the Room Control Module Graphics Symbol to provide indication of above and below setpoint conditions. |
X | X | |
Date |
Indicates the date of the last change in the Present Value or Reliability reported by this extension. |
Description |
C,W |
Maximum 40 characters before Release 8.0. Maximum 64 characters at Release 8.0 and later. |
Identifies the alarm extension in detail. |
X | ||
Differential |
C,W |
0.00 |
Positive value |
Specifies a deadband range used for analog object state transitions from High Alarm Limit, Low Alarm Limit, High Warning Offset, and Low Warning Offset. If the Differential is applied to an object in High Alarm, the object remains in the state until it changes to a value less than the High Alarm Limit minus the value of the Differential. When the Cooling Setpoint and the Heating Setpoint are configured, the Differential specifies:
X | X |
Enabled |
W |
True |
Indicates whether the alarm extension is enabled. |
X | ||
Error Log |
Indicates the reliability of the following references:
If a reference is not defined, the value will be No Input. |
Event Enable |
C,W |
True |
Determines if an alarm condition is reported back to the event viewer and if alarm pop-ups are created. |
X | X | |
Graphic |
C,N,W |
Null |
Object Type = Graphic |
Indicates the graphic associated with the extension. |
X | |
Graphic Alias |
C,W |
Maximum 256 characters |
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of the folder containing this extension or the controller containing this extension. |
X | X | |
Heating Setpoint |
C,N,W |
Null |
The Heating and Cooling Setpoint References are typically mapped to the Actual Heating and Cooling Setpoints created for all FEC-based VAV and Terminal Unit control applications. The High and Low Warning Offsets are added to these references to calculate the High and Low Warning Limits. These reference points are used in conjunction with the Room Control Module Graphics Symbol to provide indication of above and below setpoint conditions. You can either define the Cooling Setpoint and Low Alarm Limit or the Setpoint Reference. |
Heating Setpoint Reference |
C,W |
Null |
Indicates the value of the Below Setpoint limit. You must define both the Cooling Setpoint Reference and Heating Setpoint Reference, or leave both blank. |
X | X | |
High Alarm Limit |
C,N,W |
Specifies the actual High Alarm Limit. If blank, the limit is not used. |
High Alarm Limit |
Null |
Specifies the actual High Alarm Limit. If blank, the limit is not used. |
X | X | ||
High Warning Offset |
C,N,W |
Positive value |
Indicates the value added to the Warning Reference or Setpoint Reference variable to determine the actual High Warning Limit. If blank, the offset is not used and warning analysis is disabled. Both the High Warning Offset and Low Warning Offset must be defined, or both must be blank. |
X | X | |
Input |
Indicates the last value received from the Input Reference. |
Input Reference |
C |
Specifies the object and attribute monitored by this alarm extension. The reliability of the Input Reference is monitored and sets the Reliability attribute of this extension. It also can be reported in an alarm message. |
Item Reference |
Specifies the name of the alarm that the alarm extension is referencing. |
Low Alarm Limit |
C,N,W |
Specifies the actual Low Alarm Limit. If blank, the limit is not used. |
X | X | ||
Low Warning Offset |
C,N,W |
Positive value |
Indicates the value subtracted from the Warning Reference or Setpoint Reference variable to determine the actual Low Warning limit. If blank, the offset is not used and warning analysis is disabled. Both the High Warning Offset and Low Warning Offset must be defined, or both must be blank. |
X | X | |
Name |
C,W |
Maximum 400 characters |
Name of the alarm extension attribute. |
X | X | |
Normal Ack Pending |
False |
Ack not pending, Ack pending |
Indicates if an event in transition to the Normal state is awaiting acknowledgment. |
Normal Ack Required |
C,W |
False |
Ack not required, Ack required |
Indicates that a transition into the Normal state created a message that requires acknowledgment. |
X | X |
Normal Date |
Indicates the last date this extension transitioned into the Normal state. |
Normal Priority |
C,W |
200 |
Indicates the priority assigned to the Normal state. |
X | X | |
Normal Time |
Indicates the last time this extension transitioned into the Normal state. Each time this transition occurs, a message is created and this time is updated. |
Object Identifier |
Specifies an internal identifier assigned to the alarm extension. |
X | ||||
Object Name |
Identifies the name of the object associated with the alarm extension. |
Object Type |
Analog Alarm |
Identifies the type of alarm extension. |
X | |||
Occupancy Reference |
C,W |
Null |
When mapped, the Occupancy Reference provides a specific graphic preference color indication of a zone’s occupancy status. When the reference is in an unoccupied state, warning states are not displayed; only alarm states are displayed. This capability is typically used in conjunction with the Room Status symbol graphic floorplan. |
X | X | |
Present Value |
D,R |
Normal |
Normal, Low Warning, High Warning, Low Alarm, High Alarm |
Represents the current value of the extension. |
Reference Delay Time |
C,W |
0 |
0 to 65,535 seconds |
Specifies the amount of time that the Input has to move within the Warning Limits after a Warning Reference change before the object reports the warning. The Normal state is reported until the Reference Delay Time expires. If the Reference Delay Time is changed, any current timer is canceled and reset to the new Reference Delay Time. |
X | X |
Reference Delay Timer Active |
False |
The Reference Delay Timer Active is True while the alarm extension waits for the Input value to respond to the Warning Reference change. |
X | |||
Reliability |
Input Un-reliable |
Uses Reliability (Set 503). |
Indicates the Reliability of the analog alarm extension. Reliability changes in response to communication errors between the analog alarm extension and the Input Reference or Setpoint Reference. When the analog alarm extension is unreliable due to communication problems, any further execution of the main logic of the analog alarm extension is cancelled and no report is issued. The reliability also indicates when the Input or Setpoint Reference becomes unreliable. When reliability changes due to the Input being unreliable, an event is issued if reporting is enabled. The exception is Comm Loss reliability, which results in the same behavior as the communication problems described above. If a Setpoint Reference, High Alarm Limit, and Low Alarm Limit are defined, and the value of the setpoint is outside of the range defined by the limits, then the Analog Alarm becomes unreliable and an event message is generated (if reporting is enabled). |
Report Delay |
C,W |
0 |
0 to 65,535 seconds |
Indicates the number of seconds that the extension waits before generating a warning or alarm after the Input value moves outside of the Heating or Cooling Setpoint or warning limit. After this time, the Input value is reevaluated. If the value is still outside the limit, a report generates. Report Delay applies only to changes from the Normal state to the Alarm state. High or Low Alarms returning to the Normal state are reported immediately. |
X | X |
Report Delay Active |
C,W |
False |
The Report Delay Active is True while the alarm extension waits for the alarm or warning to stabilize. |
Setpoint Reference |
C,W |
Null |
A Setpoint Reference or Warning Reference is established for controllers that only provide a Single Setpoint value. The value established by either one of these references is used in conjunction with the High Warning Offset and Low Warning Offset to establish the High Alarm Warning Limit and Low Alarm Warning Limit. |
X | X | |
Status |
The Common Object Attributes section details this attribute. Of the three states that can be assumed by this attribute (Disabled, Unreliable, and Normal), two of these, Disabled and Normal, are managed outside the scope of this extension. A complete list of relevant states follows (listed in hierarchical order from highest to lowest):
Time |
Indicates the time of the last change in the Present Value or Reliability reported by this extension. |
Version |
Specifies the version number for the alarm extension. |
Unoccupied State |
C,W |
1 |
Set re-directed to Unoccupied_Set Attribute |
Indicates the value of the Occupancy Reference (if defined) that is considered the Unoccupied State. |
X | X |
Unoccupied State Set |
Indicates the set used to select the Unoccupied State. If Occupancy Reference is defined, the Unoccupied State Set uses the same value. |
Username is BACnet Object Name |
False |
Controls whether the object’s User Name attribute is also the Object Name attribute. The Object Name attribute is not writable, so the only way to change the Object Name attribute is to edit the User Name attribute and set the User Name Is BACnet Obj Name attribute to True. |
X | |||
Warning Ack Pending |
False |
Ack not pending, Ack pending |
Indicates whether an event concerning a transition into the Warning state is waiting for acknowledgment. |
Warning Ack Required |
C,W |
False |
Ack not required, Ack required |
Indicates whether a transition into the Warning state creates a message that requires acknowledgment. |
X | X |
Warning Date |
Indicates the last date this extension transitioned into the Warning state. Each time this transition occurs, a message is created and this date is updated. |
Warning Priority |
C,W |
120 |
Indicates the priority assigned to the Warning state. |
X | X | |
Warning Reference |
C,W |
0.00 |
A Setpoint Reference or Warning Reference is established for controllers that only provide a Single Setpoint value. The value established by either one of these references is used in conjunction with the High Warning Offset and Low Warning Offset to establish the High and Low Warning limits. |
X | X | |
Warning Time |
Indicates the last time this extension transitioned into the Warning state. Each time this transition occurs, a message is created and this time is updated. |