Remote Notifications - Metasys - LIT-12012116 - Server - Metasys UI - 6.0

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What is the Remote Notifications feature?

The Remote Notifications feature in the Metasys UI replaces the Server Destination Delivery Agents (DDAs) in the Site Management Portal (SMP). DDAs facilitate the routing of event and audit messages generated on the ADS, ADX, OAS, or engine.

With the Remote Notifications feature you can configure the routing and filtering of event and audit messages directly in the Metasys UI for each ADS, ADX, OAS or engine, without the need to install software on client machines.
Note: Starting at Metasys Release 10.1, all Server Remote Notifications are created and modified in Metasys UI and no longer in SMP.

The Remote Notifications feature, with the exception of the Send Announcement functionality, is available on both Metasys UI and JCT. The screenshots in this section show the Remote Notifications feature in Metasys UI.

Who can access the Remote Notifications feature?

Administrators and Non-Administrators with the relevant permissions can access the Remote Notifications feature.

The Remote Notifications feature can be accessed by anyone, but it will display the available Servers and Engines only if you have the User Can View The Item Navigation Tree (Default Tree) property in your User Details within the User Management feature in Metasys UI, or in your User Properties in SMP. Additionally, you may view information for a specific Server or Engine only if you have View permission for its authorization category. Likewise, you may edit information for a specific Server or Engine only if you have Modify Item permission for its authorization category.

How do I access the Remote Notifications feature?

  1. Open the User menu.
  2. Click Feature Management.
  3. Click Remote Notifications.

Which destination types are supported on Servers? Which destination types are supported on Engines?

For each ADS, ADX, or OAS, you can use the following destination types to configure the routing and filtering of event and audit messages:
  • Email: event filter only
  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): event filter only
  • Syslog: event filter and audit filter
For each Engine you can use the following destination types to configure the routing and filtering of event and audit messages:
  • Email: event filter only
  • Printer: event filter only
  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): event filter only
  • Syslog: event filter and audit filter
The following table describes the available destination types in more detail:
Table 1. Destination types
Destination type Description

You can configure email addresses as destinations for event messages. The Email destination type supports standard SMTP.

On the server platform, you can define any printer supported by Windows software as a destination for event messages, and a single DDA can print alarms on multiple printers. Printers connected to the ADS/ADX/OAS by parallel port or USB are supported, as well as IP-based network printers (if printers are set up with an IP address). This platform does not support Novell NetWare printers.
Note: To set up a printer on a split ADX, the printer must be accessible from the web/application server computer, as opposed to the database server computer.
You can configure the ADS/ADX Printer DDA for single line printing for a tractor feed printer, which is also known as tractor feed printing, line printing, and dot matrix printer support. To set up a printer for single line printing for a tractor feed printer (no form feed/tractor printing mode), set the Line Out attribute to 0 when you create a notification. By setting this attribute to 0, when an alarm is sent to the tractor feed printer, it prints the alarm text and then advances a single line, thus waiting to print the next alarm. For more information about the Line Out attribute see How do I use the Create Notification window for Printer Notifications?
Note: When using a tractor feed printer (without any form feeds), the Timeout, Printing Priority Threshold, Orientation, Font Face, and Font Size attributes are not used and any values set for them are ignored. You can set the Orientation, Font Face, Font Size, and line wrapping at the printer itself. Tractor feed printing is only intended for tractor feed printers. You may encounter abnormal behavior if you set the Line Out attribute to 0 for other type of printers, such as deskjet and laserjet printers.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

You can configure a SNMP Trap as a destination for event messages. The SNMP destination type supports SNMP Versions 1, 2C, and 3.


You can configure a Syslog destination that forwards all system events and audits to your Syslog server.

The Metasys system provides the optional capability of sending its configured audit log entries and alarm notifications to an external, industry-standard Syslog server, conforming to RFC 3164, published by the Internet Engineering Task Force. The Syslog option provides positive indication of each field possible in the Metasys event and audit entries, replacing any blank field with the single character dash (-). Individual fields of each Metasys message are sent to the Syslog server separated by the vertical bar symbol (|), ensuring the integrity of all data sent to the Syslog server.

After the Syslog DDA is configured, all messages sent to the local ADS Repository are also sent immediately to the configured Syslog server. You can apply forensic analysis on the consolidation of all electronic audit and event information at the Syslog server.

What is the layout of the Remote Notifications feature?

The following figure shows the layout of the Email notifications in the Remote Notifications feature in Metasys UI on a server.
Important: The Announcement tab displays in Metasys UI only. The Send Announcement feature is not supported in JCT.
Figure 1. Remote Notifications feature callouts - Email notifications
Table 2. Remote Notifications feature callouts - Email notifications
Number Name Description
1 Destination types Click on a destination type to see the notifications configured for a device. For example, click Email to see all email notifications that are configured for a device.
Note: You see a message like the following when no notifications are configured: No Email notifications are configured for this device.
2 Add notification Click to add a new notification. See also How do I add a new notification in the Remote Notifications feature?
3 Label Lists the names of the configured Email notifications. This column is sortable.
4 Priority Shows the run priority of a notification. This column is sortable.
5 Recipients Shows the number of recipients of a notification. This column is sortable.
6 Diagnostics Opens the Diagnostics window, which displays diagnostic information regarding the communication between the Email DDA (SMTP Client) and the SMTP Server. Diagnostics details include:
  • Date and time a notification was sent. For example: 6/12/2018 2:11:43 PM.
  • Description of the event. For example: Email was sent successfully.
Note: The diagnostics information displayed in the Diagnostics window is limited to 100 lines.
7 Settings icon Opens the Shared Configuration window, where you can adjust the settings of the respective Remote Notification. For more information about the Shared Configuration window, see How do I change the settings in the Remote Notifications feature?
8 Actions Shows that a notification is enabled.
Shows that a notification is disabled.
Send a test email to verify the configuration and the operation of the email server. The message is labeled as a test for all recipients.
Note: This icon is disabled if Email notifications for the entire site are disabled, or if the individual Email notification is disabled.

If a user is not receiving the test email, ensure that the recipient address is valid and that the user can receive notifications.

Create a complete duplicate of a notification, including the enabled or disabled status.
Delete a notification.

The information provided in the Printer notifications tab, the SNMP notifications tab, the Syslog notifications tab, and the Announcement tab differs slightly from the information provided in the Email notifications tab. The following figures and tables describe the layout of the Printer notifications tab, the SNMP notifications tab, and the Syslog notifications tab.

Figure 2. Printer notifications layout
Table 3. Printer notifications layout
Name Description
Label Specifies the name of the printer where reports are routed. This column is sortable.
Actions Shows that a notification is enabled.
Shows that a notification is disabled.
Create a complete duplicate of a notification, including the enabled or disabled status.
Delete a notification.
Figure 3. SNMP notifications layout
Table 4. SNMP notifications layout
Name Description
Label Lists the names of the configured SNMP notifications. This column is sortable.
IP Address Lists the IP address of the device.
Actions Shows that a notification is enabled.
Shows that a notification is disabled.
Create a complete duplicate of a notification, including the enabled or disabled status.
Delete a notification.
Figure 4. Syslog notifications layout
Table 5. Syslog notifications layout
Name Description
Label Lists the names of the configured Syslog notifications. This column is sortable.
Syslog Server Lists the IP address of the Syslog Server.
Actions Create a complete duplicate of a notification.
Delete a notification.

How do I add a new notification in the Remote Notifications feature?

  1. Open Remote Notifications.
  2. Select your server or engine from the network tree in the pane on the left.
  3. Click on the destination type for which you want to add an annotation. For example, click on the Email tab to create a new Email notification.
  4. Click + NOTIFICATION.
  5. Complete the details in the Create Notification window.

For more information about creating a new Email notification see How do I use the Create Notification window for Email Notifications?

For more information about creating a new Printer notification see How do I use the Create Notification window for Printer Notifications?

For more information about creating a new SNMP notification see How do I use the Create Notification window for SNMP Notifications?

For more information about creating a new Syslog notification see How do I use the Create Notification window for Syslog Notifications?

How do I use the Create Notification window for Email Notifications?

The Create Notification window opens when you click the +NOTIFICATION button. The window consists of four areas, including general notifications information, event filters, escalation, and formatting. The following figures and tables describe these areas.

Figure 5. Create Notification window for Email - General Email Information
Figure 6. Create Notification window for Email - Event Filters
You can configure an escalation option, as shown in Figure 7. Choose to send an additional email if an alarm has NOT been acknowledged or discarded after a specified period of time.
Important: Alarm escalation applies only to alarms that have the Alarm Ack Required attribute set to True. This attribute is present in the alarm extension of the object under the Alarm Setup section of the Metasys UI Detail widget.
Figure 7. Create Notification window for Email - Escalation
Figure 8. Create Notification window for Email - Formatting

Table 6. Create Notification window for Email callouts
Number Name Description
1 Label field Identifies the user-friendly notification name in the list of Email notifications. This field is mandatory.
2 Priority field Specifies the priority of the outbound email message. This attribute defines the X-Priority field within the email’s MIME header. X-Priority is one of several ways to define the significance of an email. Not all email clients interpret it the same way. Refer to your email client’s documentation for more information. You can choose from High, Normal, and Low.
3 Retries field Specifies the number or attempts made to send a message if there is a failure before the system discards it.

Range: 0 to 10

This field is mandatory.
4 Email Address field Specifies the email address of one or more recipients. You must use valid email addresses set up on an email server for the device to successfully send the email alarms. There are two ways of adding email addresses to the Email Address field:
  • Enter the email addresses manually.
  • Use the address book to enter email addresses. To use the address book, click the Address Book icon:

See also How do I use the address book in the Create Notification window ?

You can also send Remote Notifications as text messages by using the recipient’s cellular phone number formatted as a standard email address: 10-digit phone number@cellular carrier’s gateway domain.
Note: Text messaging and data rates may apply. Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is the recommended method, as this method transmits longer messages without breaks.

The Email Address field is mandatory. The maximum of characters allowed is 256.

5 Add Event Filter button Click this button to add a filter to your notification. Select an Item from the following:
  • Current Status
  • Priority
  • Authorization Category
  • Acknowledge Required
  • Previous Status
  • Start Day Of Week
  • Start Time
  • End Day Of Week
  • End Time
  • Spaces
  • Equipment
Select an Operator and enter or select a Value. See also How do I use the Event Filter and the Audit Filter?
6 Time Picker Set the duration after which an escalation email is sent to configured recipients. For example, enter 5 in the minute field if you want the system to issue an escalation email five minutes after an alarm is generated and is still unacknowledged.
7 Escalation Email Address field Add the email addresses of the recipients of the escalation email. There are two ways of adding email addresses to the Escalation Email Address field:
  • Enter the email addresses manually.
  • Use the address book to enter email addresses. To use the address book, click the Address Book icon:

See also How do I use the address book in the Create Notification window ?

Note: Maximum characters allowed: 256
Important: It is optional to send an escalation email. However, for an escalation email to be sent successfully, you have to complete both the Time Picker and the Escalation Email Address fields.
8 Subject line Specifies the user-defined text that appears in the subject field of the email message.
9 Include field Defines the format of the message, indicating which fields are present in the received message. Select the information you want to include in the notification. The following items are pre-selected:
  • Priority
  • Message
  • Value
  • Item Description
  • Item Fully Qualified Reference
  • Authorization Category
However, you can clear the pre-selected items.

How do I use the Create Notification window for Printer Notifications?

The following figure and table describe the layout of the Create Notification window for a Printer Notification:
Figure 9. Create Notification window - Printer Notification
Table 7. Create Notification window - Printer Notifications callouts
Number Name Description
1 Printer field Specifies the name of the printer where reports are routed. The Printer DDA can send alarms to one or multiple printers. This is a mandatory field.
  • If you are uncertain about the proper printer name to use, print a test page from the printer and look for the Printer name line in the test printout. Copy the name and syntax exactly.
  • You can configure multiple printers on one server, but a separate notification needs to be created for each printer.
2 Line Out field Defines how many lines of data are required before the Printer DDA routes reports to the printer. Setting this value to 0 enables tractor-feed or line printing. See also Printer entry in Table 1.

Range: 0 to 60

3 Printing Priority Threshold field Specifies the priority for printing alarm messages. You can print multiple alarms in a normal priority range at once using the Line Out and Timeout attributes. You also can set the Printing Priority Threshold to print the contents of the line out buffer immediately when a higher priority alarm (such as a fire alarm) is detected. You can set the Printing Priority Threshold to a value from 0 to 255. Lower priority numbers have a higher alarm priority. When an alarm is added to the line out buffer that has a lower priority number than the Printing Priority Threshold, the contents of the line out buffer print immediately. For example, if the Printing Priority Threshold is set to 20, alarms with a priority number of 20 or greater are buffered using the Line Out and Timeout attributes. Receiving an alarm with a priority number of 19 or less forces an immediate printout of the currently buffered alarms plus the new high priority alarm. This functionality applies when the Line Out attribute is set to 1 or greater.
4 Timeout field Timer (in minutes) that begins when the first alarm is stored in the DDA line out buffer (Line Out). Upon expiration, the contents of the line out buffer prints.
5 Retries field Specifies the number or attempts made to print a report if there is a failure before the system discards it.

Range: 0 to 10

6 Formatting area You can specify the following items in the formatting area:
  • Orientation: Defines the orientation of the printed report (landscape or portrait).
  • Font Face: Specifies the font used by the printed report.
  • Font Size: Specifies the font size used in the printed report.
Select the information you want to include in the notification. The following items are pre-selected:
  • Priority
  • Message
However, you can clear the pre-selected items.
7 Add Event Filter button Click this button to add a filter to your notification. Select an Item from the following:
  • Current Status
  • Priority
  • Authorization Category
  • Acknowledge Required
  • Previous Status
  • Start Day Of Week
  • Start Time
  • End Day Of Week
  • End Time
  • Spaces
  • Equipment

Select an Operator and enter or select a Value. See also How do I use the Event Filter and the Audit Filter?

How do I use the Create Notification window for SNMP Notifications?

The following figure and table describe the layout of the Create Notification window for an SNMP Notification:
Figure 10. Create Notification window - SNMP Notification
Table 8. Create Notification window - SNMP Notifications callouts
Number Name Description
1 Label field The name of this notification when it appears in the notifications list in the SNMP tab. This field is mandatory.
2 Trap Community Name field A case-sensitive string used to authenticate v1 and v2c SNMP Traps. This attribute contains the community string used by the Network Management System to edit data in objects maintained by managed devices.
3 IP Address field Specifies the IP address or host name of the system that receives the traps.
4 Destination Port Number field Specifies the port on the destination device that receives messages from the Engine or Server. The direction of communication is from the Engine or Server to the destination device. Setting this attribute to 0 disables the Get feature of SNMP. This field is mandatory.
5 Formatting area Specifies which attributes of a Metasys event are in the SNMP Trap. The following items are pre-selected:
  • Priority
  • Message
  • Value
However, you can clear the pre-selected items.
6 Add Event Filter button Click this button to add a filter to your notification. Select an Item from the following:
  • Current Status
  • Priority
  • Authorization Category
  • Acknowledge Required
  • Previous Status
  • Start Day Of Week
  • Start Time
  • End Day Of Week
  • End Time
  • Spaces
  • Equipment

Select an Operator and then enter or select a Value. See also How do I use the Event Filter and the Audit Filter?

How do I use the Create Notification window for Syslog Notifications?

The following figure and table describe the layout of the Create Notification window for a Syslog Notification:
Figure 11. Create Notification window - Syslog Notification
Table 9. Create Notification window - Syslog Notifications callouts
Number Name Description
1 Label field The name of this notification when it appears in the notifications list in the Syslog tab. This field is mandatory.
2 Syslog Server field IP Address for the destination server.
3 UDP Send Port field The designated port on the device for error transmitting to your server.
4 UDP Receive Port field The designated port on your server for receiving the error transmits.
5 Add Audit Filter button Click this button to add an audit filter to your notification. Select an Item from the following:
  • Item
  • User
  • Description
  • Post Value
  • Start Day Of Week
  • Start Time
  • End Day Of Week
  • End Time
  • Spaces
  • Equipment
Select an Operator and enter or select a Value. See also How do I use the Event Filter and the Audit Filter?
6 Add Event Filter button Click this button to add an event filter to your notification. Select an Item from the following:
  • Current Status
  • Priority
  • Authorization Category
  • Acknowledge Required
  • Previous Status
  • Start Day Of Week
  • Start Time
  • End Day Of Week
  • End Time
  • Spaces
  • Equipment

Select an Operator and enter or select a Value. See also How do I use the Event Filter and the Audit Filter?

What do the Event Filter and Audit Filter operators mean?

The following table describes the Event Filter and Audit Filter operators:
Table 10. Event Filter and Audit Filter operators
Operator Meaning
== Equal To: indicates an AND relationship between two different filters.
!= Not Equal To: indicates an AND relationship between two different filters.
< Less Than
<= Less Than or Equal To
> Greater Than
>= Greater Than or Equal To
== (any of) Equal To (any of): indicates an OR relationship among Space and Equipment filters, but an AND relationship with other filters. See also Table 13.
!= (any of) Not Equal To (any of): indicates an OR relationship among Space and Equipment filters, but an AND relationship with other filters. See also Table 13.

What are my Event Filter options?

Use the following table as a guide to defining event filters.

Table 11. Event filter options
Item Operator Value
Current Status ==, != Normal, Fault, Off Normal, High Limit, Low Limit, Low Warning, High Warning, Low Alarm, High Alarm, Alarm, Trouble, Status, Offline, Shutdown, Unreliable, Online, Above Setpoint, Below Setpoint, Unoccupied
Priority ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= Enter a value manually. This is a required field.
Authorization Category ==, != HVAC, Fire, Security, Services, Administrative, General, Lighting, Refrigeration, Critical Environment, Air Quality, Power, Energy, System, Sump Pumps, Freezers, Central Plants, AHUs, Custom 5 - Custom 150
Acknowledge Required ==, != False, True
Previous Status ==, != Normal, Fault, Off Normal, High Limit, Low Limit, Low Warning, High Warning, Low Alarm, High Alarm, Alarm, Trouble, Status, Offline, Shutdown, Unreliable, Online, Above Setpoint, Below Setpoint, Unoccupied
Start Day of Week ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= Monday through Sunday
Start Time ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= Select start time.
Note: The Time format is defined by the language selected in the User Profile tab of the Security Administrator System. Example: HH:MM AM/PM format (12:15 PM) for English language selection.
End Day Of Week ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= Monday through Sunday
End Time ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= Select end time.
Note: The Time format is defined by the language selected in the User Profile tab of the Security Administrator System. Example: HH:MM AM/PM format (12:15 PM) for English language selection.
Spaces == (any of), != (any of) Search for a value. This is a required field.
Equipment == (any of), != (any of) Search for a value. This is a required field.

What are my Audit Filter options?

Use the following table as a guide to defining audit filters for Syslog notifications.

Table 12. Audit Filter options
Item Operator Value
Item ==, != Enter a value manually. This is a required field.
Note: An item name is the label displayed for the selected item in the All Items navigation tree (for example, AV1, NAE2, or Schedule1). Ensure you define unique item names.
User ==, != Enter a value manually. This is a required field.
Note: Indicates the user associated with the action that initiated an audit message (for example, the person who changed a setpoint). The generic user called jci is used to identify a user on a different computer who uploaded or downloaded a database archive with SCT.
Description ==, != Enter a value manually. This is a required field.
Note: Provides the description of the action that generated the audit message. For example, enter Enabled to filter for Enable commands that were sent to an item, or enter User Login Successful to filter for successful login occurrences.
Post Value ==, != Enter a value manually. This is a required field.
Note: Indicates the value and engineering units, if applicable, of the item after performing the action that generated the audit message. If the Description is a User Login Successful or Failed, then the Post Value shows the IP address of the client computer from which the login attempt was made.
Start Day Of Week ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= Monday through Sunday
Start Time ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= Select start time.
Note: The time format is defined by the language selected in the User Profile (User Profile tab of the Security Administrator System). Example: HH:MM AM/PM format (12:15 PM) for English language selection.
End Day Of Week ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= Monday through Sunday
End Time ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= Select end time.
Note: the Time format is defined by the language selected in the User Profile (User Profile tab of the Security Administrator System). Example: HH:MM AM/PM format (12:15 PM) for English language selection.
Spaces == (any of), != (any of) Search for a value. This is a required field.
Equipment == (any of), != (any of) Search for a value. This is a required field.

How do I use the Event Filter and the Audit Filter?

Use filters to determine which event messages get routed to the defined destination, such as an email account. For example, define a filter to route only the event messages that require acknowledgment by selecting Acknowledge Required == true.

The following table provides further examples of filters used by the Remote Notifications feature for routing event messages.
Table 13. Filtering examples
Example Meaning
Authorization Category != HVAC The Remote Notifications feature routes all event messages to the defined destination except those from the HVAC category.
Acknowledge Required == true The Remote Notifications feature routes only the event messages that require acknowledgment to the defined destination.
Current Status == Alarm The Remote Notifications feature routes all event messages that were generated by objects in Alarm status to the defined destination.
Previous Status != Unknown Previous State The Remote Notifications feature routes all event messages to the defined destination except those that were generated by objects in the unknown previous state.
Priority <= 200 The Remote Notifications feature routes all event messages with an Event Priority equal to or less than 200 to the defined destination.

Start Day of Week >= Friday


Start Time >= 05:00:00 PM


End Day of Week <= Monday


End Time <= 06:00:00 AM

The Remote Notifications feature routes all event messages generated from 5:00 PM on Friday through 6:00 AM on Monday.
Spaces == (any of) Conference Room, Room 01, Room 02 The Remote Notifications feature routes all event messages related to any of the three spaces listed to the defined destination.
Equipment != (any of) VAV-101 The Remote Notifications feature routes all event messages related to all equipment except those from VAV-101.

Can I apply multiple filters?

Yes, you can apply multiple filters. If you define multiple filters for a destination, the Remote Notifications feature combines all the criteria with an AND condition (all filter criteria must be met).

Example 1: If you want to define a set of filters for sending all High Alarm messages for your HVAC systems that have been defined with event priorities belonging to the Property Safety Group (Priority 40–79) and require acknowledgment at an email destination, apply all the following event filters:
  • Authorization Category == HVAC
  • Current Status == High Alarm
  • Priority >= 40
  • Priority <= 79
  • Acknowledge Required == true
Example 2: If you want to define a set of filters for sending an Alarm message for all your equipment located in the Conference Room and the Front Lobby, and require acknowledgment at an email destination, apply all the following event filters:
  • Spaces == (any of) Conference Room, Front Lobby
  • Equipment == (any of)
  • Current Status == Alarm
  • Acknowledge Required == true
Important: If you want to add a filter for both Spaces and Equipment, ensure that the equipment you want to receive alarms from is located in the Spaces that you select. If you do not select the space it is located in, you will not receive alarms from a piece of equipment. You can see where a piece of equipment is located when you search for a piece of equipment in the Value field of the Add Filter window. For example, if you want to add the VAV-101 in the Value field, you can see that this piece of equipment serves the Conference Room.
Figure 12. Add Filter window

How do I use the address book in the Create Notification window ?

You can use the address book feature to add email addresses for the recipients of email notifications, escalation emails, and email announcements.
  1. Click the Address Book icon. The Address Book window opens.
  2. Select or search for an email address in the Available pane on the left and click the right-facing arrow to add an email address. Once selected, the email address appears in the Selected pane on the right. The selected address also remains listed in the Available pane on the left.
  3. You can also insert an email address manually in the Email Address field at the bottom of the Selected pane. Click ADD to add the address you manually entered.
Note: There is a limit of 256 characters for the email addresses. The feature identifies duplicate addresses, so you cannot add an address more than once.

How do I change the settings in the Remote Notifications feature?

  1. Click the Settings icon in the upper-right corner of the Remote Notifications window.
  2. The Shared Configuration window opens.
  3. Adjust the settings as required.

The Shared Configuration window offers different options for each destination type. The following tables outline the available options:

Table 14. Shared Configuration options - Email
Attributes Description of attributes
Enable Notifications Specifies whether or not the email destination is enabled. When the toggle is disabled, the Server does not deliver alarms to the configured recipients.
Note: This option is not available on Engines prior to Metasys Release 10.1.
SMTP Server Host Specifies either a host name or IP address of a SMTP server. A host name can be specified only if a DNS is available to the device. This attribute is used in conjunction with the Email DDA attribute. If no Email destinations are configured, this attribute is ignored.
SMTP Port Signifies the TCP port on which Email DDA should connect to deliver an email message. By default, this field is set to 25 (SMTP). However, some internal SMTP servers may be set up to non-standard ports, which require that this field be changed to match the listening port of the mail exchanger. If no Email DDA attribute exists, this attribute is ignored.
Authentication Type Specifies the type of authentication used to send and receive email. You can select from None, SMTP, and POP-before-SMTP. Depending on the selection you make, the fields on the Email tab become enabled or disabled to help you fill in only the fields required for that authentication type. If you select SMTP, the SMTP User Name and SMTP Password attributes become enabled. If you select POP-before-SMTP, the POP User Name and POP Password attributes become enabled.
SMTP User Name Specifies a user name for the SMTP server. This attribute is ignored if the SMTP Server Host is empty. This attribute applies only if you use SMTP authentication. If you do not configure any Email destinations, this attribute is ignored.
SMTP Password Specifies the password for the SMTP user name. This attribute is ignored if the SMTP Server Host is empty. This attribute applies only if you use SMTP authentication. If you do not configure any Email destinations, this attribute is ignored.
POP Server Hostname Specifies the hostname for the POP server. This attribute applies only if you use POP authentication. If you do not configure any Email destinations, this attribute is ignored.
POP User name Specifies a user name for the POP server. This attribute is ignored if the POP Server Hostname is empty. This attribute applies only when using POP authentication. If no Email destinations are configured, this attribute is ignored.
POP Password Specifies the password for the POP user name. This attribute is ignored if the POP Server Hostname is empty. This attribute applies only when using POP authentication. If no Email destinations are configured, this attribute is ignored.
From Email Address Specifies the email address from which all email are sent. The From Email Address is a required field. If this attribute is not populated, the Email DDA does not attempt to send an email message.
SSL Email Enabled When enabled or set to True, an attempt is made to send email over an SSL encrypted connection. If SSL is not supported, email are sent unencrypted, unless the SSL Email Ignoring Errors option is set to False.
SSL Email Ignoring Errors When True, the email is still sent even if the email server certificate appears to be invalid. When False, the email is sent only if the operating system can verify that the server sent a valid SSL certificate. The feature is only enabled if SSL Email Enabled is True.
Table 15. Shared Configuration options - Printer
Attributes Description
Enable Notifications Use the toggle to enable or disable Printer.
Note: This destination type is not available on Engines.
Table 16. Shared Configuration options - SNMP
Attributes Description of attributes
Enable Notifications Specifies whether the SNMP feature is enabled. Use the toggle to enable or disable SNMP notifications. Once this attribute is enabled, the ability to send and receive messages (Traps and Gets) can be enabled or disabled on an individual basis using the other SNMP DDA attributes.
Note: This option is not available on Engines prior to Metasys Release 10.1.
SNMP Trap Version Specifies the version used to send SNMP traps. Select from v1, v2c, and v3
SNMP Management Device Specifies an IP address or Host Name on which to filter Get requests. SNMP only responds to requests from the device listed in this attribute. If this attribute is, SNMP responds to all requests.
SNMP Request Port Specifies the port on the destination device that requests information from the Engine or Server. The direction of communication is from the destination device to the Engine or Server. Currently, this function is supported on hardware and software-based network engines. For hardware network engines that run with a Windows operating system, changing the value of this attribute requires a restart for the change to take effect, but for engines running the Linux operating system, a restart is not required. Setting this attribute to 0 disables the Get feature of SNMP.
Contact Person Specifies the IT person who is responsible for managing SNMP communications.
Public Community Name A case-sensitive string used to authenticate v1 and v2c Get and Get Next messages. This attribute contains the community string used by the Network Management System to edit data in objects maintained by managed devices.
SNMP Trap Message Format Defines the message format used for generating SNMP Traps, including the startup Trap. The options are:
  • String Based: SNMP Traps are sent as a string of characters
  • MIB Based: SNMP Traps are sent using the OIDs defined in the Johnson Controls MIB (called, JCI MIB).