About this task
Metasys expansion modules are master devices on MS/TP (SA or FC) buses. Before operating an expansion module on a bus, you must set a valid and unique device address for each expansion module on the bus. You set an expansion module's device address by setting the positions of the switches on the DIP switch block at the top of the expansion module . Device addresses 4 through 127 are the valid addresses for these expansion modules.
The DIP switch block has eight switches numbered 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1. Switches 64 through 1 are device address switches. Switch 128 must be set to off for all hard-wired SA and FC bus applications. Switch 128 must be set to OFF for all hard-wired SA and FC Bus applications
To set the device addresses on Metasys expansion modules, complete the following steps: