Convert Attribute Names to IDs in the Historian Database Dialog Box - Metasys - LIT-12012254 - Software Application - Metasys Database Manager - 13.0

Database Tools Commissioning Guide

Building Automation Systems > Databases and Data Servers > Metasys Database Manager
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Commissioning Guide
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The Convert Attribute Names to IDs in the Historian Database dialog box allows you to interact directly with the point names when you are unsure which language the trend samples are stored in, or if the number of point names requiring resolution indicated in the Attribute Name to ID Conversion Wizard is greater than 0 after attempting to resolve all points.

The following figure shows an example of the Attribute Name to ID Conversion Dialog after you have left the Attribute Name to ID Conversion Wizard. The buttons and features of the dialog are described in detail in the table following the figure.

Figure 1. Convert Attribute Names to IDs in the Historian Database Dialog Box