The Attribute Name to ID Conversion tool converts the attribute name to the attribute ID in the existing JCIHistorian database to match the new language independent data storage method at Metasys Server Release 8.0 and later. The tool migrates trend samples that were collected at the earlier Metasys release for use with Release 8.0 or later.
Before Metasys Server Release 8.0, the Fully Qualified Attribute Reference (FQR) of database trend samples were stored as language dependent text. In cases where the system default language was changed, the FQR and the trend samples associated with it were no longer accessible. As a result, the tool migrates trend samples that were collected at the earlier Metasys releases for use with Metasys Release 8.0 and later.
Metasys stores trend samples using attribute identification numbers to provide for FQR language independence. This modification requires the conversion of all point names in the existing JCIHistorian database to include attribute numbers.
The Attribute Name to ID Conversion tool runs during the Metasys Server software installation to determine all FQR entities in the JCIHistorian database that belong to the same field point or attribute. After identifying the FQR entities, the tool changes the references in the trend sample objects to refer to this now unique point name. The resulting attribute name is the numerical value for the attribute preceded with a # sign. The tool removes the unused FQR entities from the database after conversion.