Verifying DLLR Operation - Metasys - LIT-12011288 - Software Application - Metasys Building Automation System - 6

DLLR Technical Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys Building Automation System
Document type
Technical Bulletin
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Revision date


  1. Open the DLLR object.
  2. On the Focus tab, verify the Mode attribute is Monitor Only.
  3. Click the Load Summary tab. The Load Summary - Runtime view appears.
  4. Monitor which loads are being shed (simulated).
  5. Make changes as necessary.
    Note: To test a new demand tariff target without using any previous data, issue a Set Target command to the DLLR object to set a new target, then issue a Reset Initialization Parameters command. See Commanding a DLLR Object. You also can change the value of the current target by writing to the Current Demand Limit and Current LR Target attributes.