Creating the DLLR Object - Metasys - LIT-12011288 - Software Application - Metasys Building Automation System - 6

DLLR Technical Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys Building Automation System
Document type
Technical Bulletin
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Revision date


  1. From the Insert menu, select Object. The Insert Object Wizard appears.
  2. Select DLLR as the object type. Click Next.
  3. Select a destination in the Navigation Tree where you want to define the DLLR object. The Energy folder is a logical choice.
    Note: If DL is being used, the DLLR object and the meter object should reside on the same engine.
  4. Click Next. Specify a name for the DLLR object.
  5. Click Next and the Configure window appears (Figure 1).
    Note: The Focus tab is called the Configuration tab in the SCT or in a wizard.
    Figure 1. Creating the DLLR Object

  6. Configure the DLLR object, referring to Metasys System Help (LIT-1201793) for attribute descriptions. In the Meter Object attribute, be sure to specify the meter object that you created in Creating a Meter Object (DL Strategy Only).
  7. Click Finish on the Summary page to create the DLLR object.
    Note: By default, the mode of a new DLLR object is set to Monitor Only, which means no outputs are actually controlled until you set the mode to Shed.
  8. Go to Associating Loads to the DLLR Object.