Transfer to Device Wizard - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 16.0

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Table 1. Transfer to Device Wizard



Connection Screen

Connection Type

Select the type of connection to use:
  • Supervisor Passthru
  • Bluetooth
  • MAP 4.2+ / BACnet Router
  • ZigBee
  • Direct Ethernet

Connection Parameters

Supervisor Passthru: Enter the connection parameters required to connect to the supervisory device.

If you are connected to an SCT archive, do the following:

  1. Select one of the following connection parameters:
    • Connect to Supervisory Device: Use this option to connect to the supervisory device directly.
    • Connect via Site Director: Use this option to connect to the Site Director directly.
    • Manual: Use this option to manually enter an IP address or hostname.
  2. Choose from one of the following:
    • Use IP Address: Use the device IP address as a connection parameter.
    • Host name: Use the device hostname as a connection parameter.
    Note: For further information, refer to the SNC Commissioning Guide (LIT-12013295).

For all modes, the following connection parameters are required:

  • Host Name/IP Address: The device host name or IP Address.
  • User Name: Credentials to log into the site.
  • Password: Credentials to log into the site.
  • Supervisory Device: The supervisory device to use for the Supervisor Passthru connection.
  • Trunk: The trunk to use for the Supervisor Passthru connection.
Note: To use the Supervisor Passthru connection, you do not need to launch the tool through the supervisory device configuration tool or user interface, or have the supervisory device configuration tool installed. When you launch the tool from the supervisory device configuration tool, the supervisory device connection information is not automatically populated in the tool.
Bluetooth: Specify the COM port and baud rate to use.
MAP 4.2+ / BACnet Router: Use to specify the following:
  • IP address and UDP port of the router.
  • Network number of the MS/TP trunk (1-65,534).

    Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. The MS/TP Network Number 1001 is reserved for Johnson Controls IP network connections.

  • An available Ethernet network interface adapter to use.

    If you select an available Ethernet network interface, all IP traffic intended for the MAP 4.2+/ BACnet Router travels through this interface.

When you first open the wizard, the default connection parameters for connecting to a MAP Gateway at version 4.2 are automatically displayed. If the connection parameters are modified, the values are stored in the wizard for future use. To restore the connection parameters to the default values, click the MAP 4.2 Default button.

For further information about the MAP and common troubleshooting issues, refer to the Mobile Access Portal Gateway User's Guide (LIT-12011999).

ZigBee: Specify the personal area network (PAN) Offset.
Direct Ethernet: Specify the UDP port of the device and an available network interface. Select a network interface that is connected to the same subnet as the IP controllers to which you want to connect.


Indicates the type of discovery process to use:
  • Auto
  • MAC Address
  • Instance Number
  • IP Device (when Bluetooth is selected)

Device Selection Screen


Use this feature to perform a device Discovery over the network to find a device. The Discovery option only returns field devices and I/O Modules that are on the Field Bus.
Note: After a Discovery completes and you click Discover again, the list clears from the Device Selection table.


Stops the Discovery process.

Devices Table

Displays available devices, including:
  • Device Name: Name of the device.
  • System Name: Name of the system.
  • Address: Address of the device. You can sort on this column.
  • Type: Type of device.
  • Status: Status of the device.
  • Instance Number: The BACnet ID number. This value is the same value used in the Peer Reference attribute in the Details View.
  • Controller Number 1: Combined value of the rotary switches or DIP switches on the device.
  • Computer Name 2: Network hostname of the device.
  • IP Address2: IP Address of the device.
Note: The first column (no header name) indicates the number of devices discovered.

Transfer Summary Screen

Device Information

Displays the following device information:
  • Computer Name2: Network hostname of the device.
  • Instance Number: BACnet ID number. This value is the same value used in the Peer Reference attribute in the Details View.
  • DHCP-Enabled check box: Enables or disables the dynamic IP address.

    If the DHCP check box is disabled or not checked, the static IP fields are editable.

  • IP Address2: IP address of the field device.

  • IP Mask2: Subnet mask used for the IP address.

  • IP Router Address: IP address of the router for the field device.2

  • BBMD Enabled: Configures the Enabled attribute of the Broadcast Management (BBMD) object located in the Advanced tab. To configure this attribute, choose from one of the following options:
    • False-Manual: Sets the Enabled attribute of the Broadcast Management object to False and removes all configured addresses from the BM Address List.
    • Current Device Information:Status True or False, depending on what is configured in the device. This option sets the BM Address List attributes to the values defined in the device.
    • Defaults from CAF: Status True or False, depending on what is configured in the Enabled attribute of the Broadcast Management object. This option sets the BM Address List attributes to the values defined in the application.

      Notes: Enable only one device as a BBMD on a given subnet. If you do not know how to configure a BBMD, do not enable BBMD in your application or device. For further information, refer to the Metasys IP Networks for BACnet/IP Controllers Configuration Guide Technical Bulletin (LIT-12012468) . For information on how to add a Broadcast Management object in CCT, see Broadcast Management (BBMD) Object Screen.

  • Controller Number1: Combined value of the rotary switches or DIP switches on the device.
Device Information (contd.)
  • Name: Device name.
    Note: The default device name is the same as the System Name. The Device Name can be changed from the Advanced tab of the Device Object.
  • Description: Description of the device.
  • Model: Model number of the device.
  • Boot Code Version: Boot Code version.
  • Main Code Version: Main Code version.
  • System Name: System name.
  • Status: Device’s status.
  • Radio Firmware Version 3: Firmware version of the wireless devices.
  • Radio IEEE Address3: IEEE address of the wireless devices.
  • Pan ID3: Pan ID of the wireless devices.
  • Device Address2: Address of the device.
  • FC Communication Mode: On compatible devices, indicates the following field bus communication: N2 Slave, Wired, Wireless, and Ethernet.

SA Bus Status

Click this option to view the status of all SA Bus devices.

The SA Bus Status Screen lists the status of each device detected by the controller on the SA Bus. For each device detected, it shows the status of files (such as Boot and Main), the device version, and the version the controller has for provisioning that device.

In the Online Operations (Comissioning mode), Transfer to Device, and Commission Device (Current Application) wizards, this feature displays the status of defined SA Bus devices in a CAF and identifies devices that are defined in the application, but not reported by the controller. This information can be used to verify that the controller has connected to the correct equipment for the application.

Note: The availability of this feature depends on the firmware of the device, and some device types may not be reported. Refer to controller product documentation for more information.


Displays the following Transfer Operation options:

After transfer

Transferred files are activated after the Transfer to Device (Download) process completes.

Wait for manual activation

Transferred files are not activated when the transfer process completes. You must manually activate the transferred file using the Activate pending files action in Tools > Online Operations. See the Online Operations Wizard for more information.

Enable logic

On supported devices, enables the runtime logic of activated files.

Disable logic

On supported devices, disables the runtime logic of activated files.

If you choose to disable the logic of an application, you can enable it later by selecting the Enable logic action in Tools > Online Operations. See the Online Operations Wizard for more information.

Advanced Transfer Options

Click to display the following transfer code types:

  • Boot
  • Main
  • Radio Code 4
  • Switch Communication Mode 5
  • SA Bus Firmware 6
  • Application

Following advanced transfer options:

Modify open application with New Information column

Updates the CAF with the changed values in the New Information column upon Transfer.
Note: If you select this feature the Controller Number also updates.

Close wizard after successful transfer

Closes the Transfer to Device wizard after successfully completing the operation.

Commission device after successful transfer

View the device in Commissioning mode after successfully completing the operation.
Note: This option requires you to select the Modify open application with New Information column option if it is available.

Override Maximum System Capacity

This operation only appears if you are working with large CAFs that exceed the controller's supported size. You must check this operation when it appears to proceed with the application transfer.

Status Transfer status.


Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.


Moves to the next screen of the wizard.

Note: This option is disabled if a device with a duplicate Instance Number is selected.


Click Finish to start the transfer.

Click Done to close the wizard.


Closes the wizard without performing the transfer.

Opens the Help system.

1 Appears only for compatible devices.
2 Appears only for IP devices.
3 Appears only when wirelessly connected.
4 This option only appears when the device is in wireless mode. See the Radio Code description in the Code File Types section.
5 The Switch Communication Mode option appears when you must switch controller communication protocols to ensure application compatibility. If you do not switch communication modes, you cannot transfer the application. For information about N2 communication switching see the Switch Communication Mode Workflow section. This step is not necessary if the device supports background transfer, as the transfer of N2 applications to such devices does not require explicit communication switching.
6 This feature is only available to devices that support SA Bus Provisioning.