To run the commands that are of most use in configuration and troubleshooting, you must be in the privileged mode. For practical purposes, the switch owner is the person who has physical access to the switch and knows the passwords leading to the privileged mode.
There are two passwords. The first password is for logon; the second is for elevation of privileges, including editing the switch configuration. To edit the configuration using the command-line interface, log on to the switch, enter enable, then enter the password for elevation of privilege.
You can set most terminal servers to create a log file of your sessions. It is advisable to make a log of all your sessions. If you need to gather information, the easiest way is to start a log file, then use commands to display the needed information. The following commands are useful for gathering switch information.
CLI command | Information displayed |
show version
Hardware version, software version, MAC addresses, and so on. The
switch serial number is indicated as System serial
number , and is also marked on the front face and right side
of the switch. |
show license
LAN level, MRP |
show running-config
The current, active configuration |
show mrp ring 1
Ring status and ports for ring 1 |
show mrp ports
Shows the port status for all MRP ring ports |
show interface FastEthernet 1/1
Information about port 1 |
show interface status
The port status. This is the same information that you can infer from the port status LEDs on the switch. |
show platform sdflash
SD card information, including the total amount of memory on the card |
show file system
Available file system details, including total size and the amount of free space |
show sdm prefer
The active Switching Database Management (SDM) template |
show cdp neighbors
Other Cisco devices that are neighbors on the network |
show ip interface brief
Lists the interfaces configured on the switch |
show ip dhcp binding
A table of IP addresses and lease status organized by MAC address |
show ip dhcp snooping binding
Similar to the previous command, but with additional details. To use this command, DHCP snooping must be enabled. The lease status is one of the following:
show mac address-table
The switch’s table of which MAC addresses are associated with each switch port. |
show vlan
VLAN number, name, status, and port assignments. |