Mapping BACnet Field Points manually - Metasys - LIT-1201531 - System Integration - BACnet Controller Integration - 11.0

BACnet Controller Integration Technical Bulletin

Controls > BACnet Controls > BACnet Controller Integration
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Technical Bulletin
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After adding a BACnet device, add BACnet Field Points mapped to BACnet objects in the BACnet device, if desired.

  1. On the Insert Menu, select Field Points. The Insert Point Wizard, Destination screen appears (Figure 1).

    The Insert Field Points Wizard starts automatically after inserting a Field Device. Because it selects the newly added device as the destination, the wizard opens to the Select Definition Mode screen, bypassing the Destination screen.

  2. Select the BACnet device from which to map the points and click Next. The Insert Point Wizard, Select Definition Mode screen appears.
    Note: Add BACnet devices during the Mapping BACnet/IP Devices using Auto Discovery procedure in this document. If the screen displays no selectable device, click the plus sign next to the BACnet Integration object to open the list of mapped BACnet devices.
  3. Select Manual point definition; the screen changes to the manual mode with a list of point object types to add.
    Figure 1. Insert Point Wizard (Select Definition Mode)

    Distinguish the Manual point definition from the Assisted point definition by the list of steps on the left side of the screen. The Manual definition display adds a Data Source step and separates the Identify and Configure steps.
  4. Select the type of point to create and click Next. The remaining steps of the Insert Point Wizard - manual mode are listed in the following table.
    Table 1. Insert Point Wizard - manual mode screens



    Select the Data Source

    Enter the Instance Number associated with the point you are mapping.


    Allows entry of a unique name for each mapped field point.


    Allows field point configuration. Click Advanced to see the BACnet object identifier. Be sure to fill in the Instance Number on the Hardware tab of the Configuration screen and to match the configuration to the Instance Number of the BACnet Object Identifier in the host BACnet device.


    Provides a summary of the entered information. Click Back to make any corrections.

  5. Click Finish.