Exposing data as standard BACnet objects to other BACnet devices - Metasys - LIT-1201531 - System Integration - BACnet Controller Integration - 11.0

BACnet Controller Integration Technical Bulletin

Controls > BACnet Controls > BACnet Controller Integration
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Technical Bulletin
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Observe the following considerations when configuring the supervisory controller to third-party BACnet devices:

  • For BACnet Encoding Type in the Site object, specify a text string format that is supported by the other BACnet Devices (either ISO 10646 [UTF-8}, ISO 10646 [UCS-2], or Microsoft® double-byte character sets [DBCS] code page 932 [Japanese Shift JIS]). For older BACnet equipment, ANSI X3.4 [ASCII] is still supported.

    Note: Starting at Release 10.1, UTF-8 is the default. The recommendation is to use UTF-8 unless other devices do not support it. This is not a per engine setting and impacts all engines on the site.
  • For mapped objects that do not support intrinsic reporting at the remote device, enable BACnet Intrinsic Alarming or set up Event Enrollment Alarming, including BACnet Notification Class objects, for all NAE/SNx objects that should report event messages to other BACnet workstations.

  • The Generic Integration Object (GIO) is not a BACnet standard object. Do not use the GIO for NAE/SNx objects interfaced by BACnet devices. Use standard analog and binary NAE objects instead.