Manually adding BACnet MS/TP (Field Bus) Field Devices (online or offline) - Metasys - LIT-1201531 - System Integration - BACnet Controller Integration - 10.1

BACnet Controller Integration Technical Bulletin

Controls > BACnet Controls > BACnet Controller Integration
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Technical Bulletin
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About this task

Use the Insert Field Device Wizard to manually add BACnet MS/TP (field bus) field devices, whether the system is online or offline.


  1. On the Insert menu, click Field Device. The Insert Field Device Wizard starts.
  2. Select the trunk to which the field device is connected and click Next. The Insert Field Device Wizard Select Definition Mode screen appears.
  3. Click Manual. You are then prompted to select the class of device (JCI Family BACnet Device or General BACnet Device).
    Note: When using the SCT, the Assisted option appears dimmed because that method is unavailable when the system is offline. When devices and objects are added in SCT, mapper instance numbers are not assigned. The Supervisory Device assigns instance numbers to mapper objects when archive is loaded. If you add devices or objects in SCT, upload the Supervisory Device back into SCT to capture mapper instance numbers. Failure to upload could result in conditions where mapper instance numbers could change.
  4. For JCI Family BACnet Device, select a BACnet MS/TP address for the new device. All BACnet MS/TP addresses in the list are available because the address list updates each time a new controller object is created. After choosing a BACnet MS/TP address, click Next. Auto Discovery is available only for online field devices. See the Adding BACnet MS/TP Field Devices online using Auto Discovery section in this document.
    Note: With JCI Family BACnet Device selected, you are prompted to enter the MAC Address, which is the physical hardware address of the device as determined by its address switch settings. With General BACnet Device selected, you must enter the BACnet Instance Number, which is determined by software settings in the device. This value is entered on the Hardware tab of the Identifier screen of the Wizard.
  5. Click Next. The Insert Field Device Wizard Identifier screen appears.
  6. Choose a unique name (within the parent object) for the new controller object and click Next. The Insert Field Device Wizard Configure screen appears. The fields of the Configure screen have default data based on the previous information entered. This information includes the object type and naming parameters of the new controller just created.
    Figure 1. Insert Field Device Wizard (Configure screen)

    When using the Manual device definition, the default name is always FD plus an incremental number for field devices. The incremental number provides a suggested name that is unique within the context of the parent object, in this case a BACnet MS/TP (field bus) integration.

  7. Click Next. The Insert Field Device Wizard, Summary screen appears.
    Figure 2. Insert Field Device (Summary screen)

  8. If satisfied with the Summary, click Finish (otherwise, click Back and correct any problems).
  9. Add extensions to the newly created controller object, if needed. See Adding extensions to an object for more information.