Exposing BACnet information - Metasys - LIT-1201531 - System Integration - BACnet Controller Integration - 10.1

BACnet Controller Integration Technical Bulletin

Controls > BACnet Controls > BACnet Controller Integration
Document type
Technical Bulletin
Document number
Revision date

About this task


  1. Log in to the supervisory controller or open an archive database in the SCT.
  2. Right-click the Site Object and select View. The Site View screen appears.
    Figure 1. Site view screen

  3. On the right side of the Site View screen, click Advanced.
  4. Click Edit on the left side of the Site View screen and scroll down to the BACnet section (Figure 2).
    Note: The BACnet section is visible only when the Advanced option is selected.
    Figure 2. BACnet section enabled in site view

  5. Set the BACnet Site field to True and set the BACnet Encoding Type for the encoding used by the BACnet devices.
    Note: The default BACnet Encoding Type is UTF-8. Many BACnet devices, including the N30 Supervisory Controller, use ASCII for the BACnet Encoding Type. When connecting to an N30 Network, choose ANSI X3.4 (US_ASCII) for the BACnet Encoding Type. Many devices supplied in Japan use Microsoft DBCS code page 932 (Japanese Shift JIS). If connecting to another BACnet device, verify the BACnet Encoding Type with the manufacturer or supplier of the device. Selection of the wrong BACnet Encoding Type can result in unaccepted entries of text at the BACnet device, such as failed BACnet object descriptions and alarm acknowledgments from the Metasys system UI.
    Note: The UTF-8 BACnet Encoding Type is also compatible with ASCII as long as extended characters (for example, Çä╣ß ) are not used with ASCII devices.
  6. Click Save. The NAE is now enabled to work with BACnet networks.