Extended Application and Data Server (ADX) Split Configuration Guidelines - Metasys - LIT-1201525 - MS-ADS05U - MS-ADX10SQL - MS-ADX10U - MS-ADX25SQL - MS-ADX50SQL2 - MS-ADX50U - MS-ADXS25U - Server - ADS Server - ADX Server - 13.0.50

Application and Data Server (ADS) and Extended Application and Data Server (ADX) Product Bulletin

Product name
ADS Server
ADX Server
Document type
Product Bulletin
Document number
Revision date
Product status
Table 1. ADX Split Configuration Guidelines



ADX Web/Application Server

Must be loaded on a Windows server-class operating system .

  • ADX software and all required ADX prerequisites reside on a web/application server. Users browse to the web/application server to see system data.

  • You may install Metasys Advanced Reporting System on this server.

ADX Database Server

Must be loaded on a Windows server-class operating system.

Note: SQL Server software resides on the ADX database server. The database server stores historical Metasys system data and serves as a historical data repository for the web/application server.

System Configuration Tool (SCT)

Must be loaded on a third server that is separate from the ADX web/application server and ADX database server.